Are Baha’is different from other people?!

Friday, 21 April 2017 08:32 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


       The first teaching of Baha’ism invites everybody to seek the facts and truths and to remove imitations and dishonesties.

 According to the Excellency Abbas Effendi in the book “Sermons”: “The first teaching of the Excellency Bahaullah” is the investigation of truth”. Human being must investigate the truth and quit imitating.” However, when it is the time for these people they like people to accept and obey them blindly.

       The proof for our statement is the Excellency Bahaullah’s interesting words in the book called “Kalemat Maknouneh”:

       “O’ the son of soil! Be blind to see my beauty. Be deaf to listen to my charming tone. Be ignorant to learn my knowledge. Be poor to exploit my richness.”

       This is your duty to judge: can anybody seek the truth performing such advice by the Excellency Bahaullah?!


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Last modified on Friday, 21 April 2017 12:32
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