The loops of a chain (Part 3)

Saturday, 13 May 2017 19:39 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 In the middle part of World War !, when the usurper army of England entered to pound the Muslim government of Ottoman in the middle east and to strike the resistance of oppressed people of Palestine (which was a part of the Ottoman Emperor east that time), it encountered the lack of provision and was endangered to be defeated. The Excellency Abdul Baha (The Baha’is leader) became aware of the issue and said to the top officers of England to be relaxed and provide enough provisions for them.

This issue made the English troops to be succeed in the war in Palestine (the famous book of Lady Bloomfield called “the chosen Highway, p. 210”). In this way, the English army was strengthened and the rudiments for the establishment of a Jewish government were provided.

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