"یَمْلَاُ الاَرضَ قِسْطاً وَ عَدْلاً کَما مُلِئَتْ ظُلْماً وَ جَوراً"
That is, one of the characteristics of the promised Imam (P.H.) is destroying tyranny and establishing justice. This tradition has been narrated by most Sunni and Shiite scholars; but the Excellency Bahaullah confesses that justice is still existed after Bab and at Bahaullah’s period of time.
Today, the justice groan is loud. The dark smoke of tyranny has surrounded the world and nations.” ( the book knowledge sea, 85)
Also, in the mentioned-above book, p. 24 he says: “Nowadays, the sedition flame has been inflamed in most countries… now in most countries the reform light is off and the sedition fire is inflamed.”
What a promised one!!! He has brought about sedition and darkness instead of justice and light??!!!
I invite all fair Baha’is to investigate the truth independently in their leaders’ works in order for the truth to be clear for them.