The Oneness of Humanity except the opponents of Bahaullah

Monday, 03 July 2017 08:43 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


     One of the obvious elementary characteristics of the divine messengers is being embellished by the moral principles.

     Nobody has observed a divine prophet become angry or insult those who didn’t accept his word.

     However, the Baha’ism prophet is an exception… Because according to him, the Shiites who don’t accept his word are worms in the wallow.

     This is one of many insults of the Baha’ism prophet.

     Those who know the Excellency Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah) know that the equality of all human beings without considering belief and race is of the most important beliefs and slogans of Hussein Ali Nouri and his son, Abdul Baha…



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