Note: A prophet who was called liar by his brother

Friday, 25 August 2017 12:52 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The other reason posed Hussein Ali Nouri’s opponents was that he can’t be the promised one of the book “Bayan” and the one whom God will; manifest promised by Bab because Ali Muhammad Bab has made his will for Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal to complete his book of Bayan.

Bab has addressed Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri’s brother:

"اذا انقطع عن ذلک العرش تتلوا من آیات ربک مایلقس الله علی فؤادک ذکراً من عندالله انه هو المهیمن القیوم"

When the bond between Ali Muhammad and the heaven was cut, you will recite your God’s verses which are being infused into your heart by you God the verses are commemorations from God. He is witness and correspondent.

     First criticism:


     In Baha’I and non-Baha’I criticism, it is emphasized that MIrza Yahya Sobhi Azal, Hussein Ali Nouri’s brother was the first one who denied his brother Hussein Ali. So, how can Hussein Ali Nouri be the promised one of the book “Bayan” and the one whom God will manifest; while, the one who completed the book “Bayan” has called him the liar?

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