Abdul Baha’s will

Sunday, 03 September 2017 09:23 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

     Dear Baha’i!

     Have you over read Abdul Baha’s will (will tablets)?

Do you know that Abdul Baha doesn’t consider the universal house of justice which isn’t controlled by the guardian of the faith as illegitimate?

     Abdul Baha says: that is, the private universal house of justice must be formed in all cities and those universal houses of justice must select public ones. This assembly is the reference source of all affairs. It will be the source of establishing rules and commandments and all the problems must be solved there additionally, the guardian of the faith is the holy chairman of the assembly and the greatest member,”


     After Shqi Effandi’s death in 1336 S.H. the universal house of justice is in lack of the guardian of the faith. 

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