A claim which was retracted by a slap!!!

Monday, 09 April 2018 11:25 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Mirza Ali Muhammad Shirazi entitled Bab is the founder of Babism. He is the one whom Baha’is believe he is the twelfth Imam of the Shiites.

     Before claiming for being Imam of the Time, the Excellency Bab claimed for having social intercourses with Imam of the Time; so he was called the Bab (gate)

     It is interesting to be noted that he retracted his claim after he was thumpingly slapped. He cursed on his followers. The adventure has been narrated in the book “the history of Nabil”:

     “Bab was respectfully taken to Shiraz and admonished in the presence of the leader of Friuday prayer and ruler of Shiraz city. There was a severe debate between Nazemudduleh and Seyyed Bab; so that Nazemudduled ordered him to be thumpingly slapped. Nevertheless, the leader of Friday prayer mediated and Mirza Ali Muhammad said after being fondled: “I am neither the counsel of the promised Imam nor the agent between the hidden Imam and people.” The leader of the Friday prayer said that’s enough.

     The Bab was to repeat his confession in Vakil mosque, Shiraz in order to remove the general excitement. On Friday, Mirza Ali Muhammad cursed on himself and his followers and repeated his previous statement: “Curse on those who consider me as the counsel of the absent Imam. Curse on a person who calls me Imam’s gate… Curse on a person who considers me as the denier of the Imamate of the Commander of the Faithful and the Household of the holy prophet.”


     The claim was retracted by a slap!!!



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