The difference between people who live in the city and in the village

Friday, 26 July 2019 05:21 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Undoubtedly, there isn’t any difference between the people of city and village is any divine religion especially concerning commandments and religious laws; because all divine orders must be fulfilled in all cases whether by the citizens or peasants.

However, although Baha’ism speaks about the equality between men and women; but it differentiated between the people of city and village. In Baha’ism, it is said that the marriage payment for an urban man is 19 methqal of gold and for a male peasant it will be 19 methqal silver.

The Excellency Abdul Baha says: “The marriage payment is related to man’s validity. If the man is from the city gold must be paid as the marriage payment and if he is from the village silver must be paid.[1]

This difference between citizens and peasants is discreditable for the Baha’i Excellency who claim for the equality of men and women.


[1] The book “the treasury of limitations and commandments”.

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