How credulous we are…

Monday, 29 July 2019 05:02 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Credulity is an issue which is undoubtedly common among people. Most of the time, it is harmful for man. For instance, when you want to choose a faith for yourself, to be bound of it and to spend money, time and thought for many years for it. Undoubtedly, you must select the most accurate option.

… If a Baha’i person invited you to his/ her creed and claimed the most important teaching of his/ her faith is the oneness of humanity and said in our faith all human beings are equal, you shouldn’t be hasty and credulous. First, you should refer to the cult leaders’ books.

Because if you continue the feature of credulity, you will lose you time as the most valuable investment and will make yourself be away from prosperity path. So, it is merited for you to assign several hours to study about the faith you have been proselytized. If you achieve the favorable results, you can proselytize for it as long as you can. Additionally, if you didn’t gain the favorable results and you received a statement which is contrary to what had been said to you before, you would thank God who has prevented wasting you time and your lifetime.

You can distinguish between right and null by study the Baha’i books and you will conclude that: Have the Baha’is and their leaders acted the category of the oneness of humanity or it is just a slogan? When you study “the Sermons”, p. 119, you will figure out that the Excellency Abbas Effendi is saying in a group:

“What is the difference between Black African and American?

The Black Africans are cows that are created with human faces but the Black Americans are civilized, intelligent and cultured.”

Yes. This is the oneness of humanity claimed by the Baha’is and the Baha’i leaders. Of course, there are a lot of such examples in Baha’ism.


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