The investigation of the teaching of the equality between men and women in Baha’ism

Thursday, 01 August 2019 21:13 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

One of the twelve principles of the Baha’i faith is the principle of the equality between men and women. However, there are unavoidable contradictions in the Baha’i leaders’ deeds and speech concerning the problem of the equality between men and women’s rights (which there isn’t any justification for it according to Shoqi Effendi).

To explain the issue and to prove the claim for inequality of men and women’s rights in the Baha’i faith, several notes are being mentioned as follows:

-No Baha’i leader is of the women and according to the Baha’i texts women aren’t allowed to be the member of the universal house of justice. This issue is very controversial and has been posed since the beginning of the emergence of the Baha’i faith; for instance, it is said in the book “the marsh of the Baha’i teachings”: “A woman asked: No woman has been sent on a mission by God and all of the divine manifestations have been men. He said: Although men and women are shared in talent and powers; but undoubtedly men are pioneers and the most powerful even in animals like pigeons, sparrows and peacocks and the like.”

It is observed in Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri’s speech that men are intrinsically superior to women: “Undoubtedly men are more preferred and powerful” and he has given an example from the animal world.

The Excellency Abbas Effendi has also paid attention to animal world to discriminate between men and women.

“As we observe the animal world, the will be no difference between male and female and they are the same in all aspects; but when we observe the human world, we will figure out that they are different.” (the Sermons of the Excellency Abdul Baha, vol. 1, p. 163)

Generally speaking, as stated as one of the teachings of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, the principle of the equality between men and women is just a slogan; but in action it isn’t observable.

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