The Permanent Faith

Friday, 09 August 2019 14:53 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

If a person reads the holy prophet’s (P.H.) sermon in Ghadir day, he/ she will know that everybody claims for prophethood after him will be a liar because the holy prophet (P.H.) said at that 120-people association: “I am the final prophet and messenger…”

However, some people came after him and claimed for being prophet to deceive unaware people and forged religions. For instance, the forged religion of Baha’ism which was made by Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri nearly 150 year ago in Iran. He called himself as Bahaullah.

Each Muslim person knows that the holy prophet (P.H.) has said during his life that he is the last prophet and the holy Quran is the last divine book and Islam is the last religion.

Even, the Excellency Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri who has claimed for prophethood has confessed in the book “Ishraqat” that the Excellency Muhammad (P.H.) is the last messenger and prophet. So, Bahaullah’s claim an idle talk and his religion is forged.

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