The Baha’is aren’t allowed to vote

Wednesday, 09 September 2020 10:10 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 The attractive claim by a claimant attracts us and makes us be hopeful about the future. However, if we encounter Shiftiness, we will lose all of our hopes and trusts. Suppose a person who is claiming for freedom and saying it is enough for you to be restricted. Accompany me to be the freest group in the world. Nevertheless, you will be deprived of your rights after being accompanied…

For instance, the Baha’ism organization is attracting human beings with the excuse of freedom and modern commandments in one side; and in other side, it doesn’t let the Baha’is comment a bit concerning the political issues!! The Baha’ism organization says the Baha’is: You won’t be the Baha’is if you want to comment politically!! A Baha’i person is not allowed to comment on the community in which he/she lives. Is it the concept of freedom?

In read in the Baha’i sources narrated by the Baha’i leaders:

However, the criterion for being a Baha’i or not is that a person who interferes with the political issues, this reason is considered for him/her for being not to be a Baha’i.

Now, if a Baha’i person wants to investigate about the political issues in his/her house or others’ gathering, it will be better for him/her to cut his/her relationships with the faith; otherwise, it will end, in public damages; it means that he/she will distort the spiritual creed.

Source: p. 155, the Baha’i life –It has been registered in page 366 of the book “the treasury of limitations and commandments.



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