Either be Roman, or ring the bell

Wednesday, 23 September 2020 05:45 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 There is a proverb that goes: “Either be Roman or ring the bell”. Eventually, human being is in one side of river or in the other. All of us have observed people whose views are being changed based on situation. They may be good cheerleaders; but at last, their speech isn’t being believed by aware and broad-minded human beings; because they are not honest and sincere.

Honesty and sincerity say if human being believes in an idea he/she should insist on his/her beliefs not speak about his/her beliefs in contradictory manner. However, if the lack of sincerity is from an organization having religious approach, its negative effects will be more.

For example, the Baha’ism organization which manages the Baha’is across the world denounces imitating a human being and considers Shiites for imitating the legitimate commandments as misled and backward; while the Excellency Bahaullah –whom is known as prophet by the Baha’is- narrates a famous tradition from Imam Sadeq (P.H.) concerning the characteristics of a religious source of authority and confirms the tradition and considers the tradition stated by the source of inspiration. Also, the Excellency Bahaullah, the Baha’is leader, has attributed the tradition in his book called Madanieh epistle and considered it as a correct one.

That is the very imitation which has been denounced by the Baha’is today and considered as Shiites area of weakness has been confirmed by the first leaders of Baha’ism; so it can be said: Either be Roman or ring the bell.

The famous tradition of Imam Sadeq (peace be upon him) which has been confirmed by the Excellency Bahaullah and Abdul Baha:

فَأمَّا مَن کانَ مِن الفُقَهاءِ صائناً لنفسِهِ حافِظاً لِدینِهِ مُخالِفاً على‏ هَواهُ مُطِیعاً لأمرِ مَولاهُ فلِلعَوامِّ أن یُقَلِّدُوهُ

Every one of jurisconsults who preserves his essence; he will preserve his religion; he will disagree carnal desires and will obey the holy Imams (peace be upon them) orders. So, people must imitate him. (Wasaelushi’a, Vol. 27, p. 131)


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