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Baha’ism Full of Corruption and Dependence

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Baha’ism Full of Corruption and Dependence

Iran – Mazandaran

Researchers are unanimous that after the emergence of Bab and the sedition of his followers in different spots of Iran (like Mazandaran, Yazd and Zanjan), foreign powers 
(which always seek to fish in disturbed waters and live on the bread of discords and riots between nations and governments) came to the scene and each with its own method tried to take advantage of this sect. The interesting point in this respect is the discrepancies and fractions which appeared from the very beginning and Esmaeel Rain, journalist, historian and author of the familiar works of the Pahlavi Age has mentioned them in a book under the title of \"Fraction In Baha’ism after the death of Shoghi Rabbani\". In this book he has tried to examine irrespective any intellectual prejudice and bias, the Baha’i sect by presenting valid documents and evidences in three sections of fraction and dispute between Baha’is, positions of Russia, Britain, United States and Israel towards them, and Baha’is influence in government centers and their interference with the political affairs.

Esmaeel rain

Since their genesis, the Babis have had serious and bloody clashes with Muslims (in Iran) and were hostile to Muslims more than followers of other religions. The Baha’is too established friendly relations with enemies of the Muslim and oppressed nation of Palestine. Shoghi Rabbani, the grandson and successor of Abdul Baha in his ten-year plan beside its twenty fourth goal has preferred the Israeli regime to other governments of the world and advised the Baha’is to establish the branch of the religious and national forums of the Baha’is only \"…in Ghods territory and according to the rules and regulations of the newly-established regime of Israel…\", however, when he advised the Baha’is to establish the same forums in Iran, Iraq, Britain and Germany he never referred to observing the rules and regulations of these countries.

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