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The Annual Happiness of Baha’ism in Moharram

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

The Annual Happiness of Baha’ism in Moharram

Bahaismiran: A day like tomorrow on the second of Moharram-al-Haram 1195, another ominous person was born; a person who aimed the purest belief of Shiism and misled a group out of the straight path of the Lord of the Martyrs to the deviant way of Baha’ism.

A person who was assuming himself as God for some times and was uttering the call of “ there is no god but me imprisoned and alone and for some times he was calling himself as prophet and … .

He is a person who said on the second of Moharram:” A person was born who begotten not nor was begotten.” This utterance means the claim of being God; of course, it has the other meaning, too. That is , Abdulbaha, his ominous son, hasn’t been his son and is illegitimate.

The begotten ominous person of the second of Moharram is Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri who is called Bahaullah by Baha’is.

It is necessary to be mentioned that this deviant cult has changed all of its occasions to the Christian and solar calendar except for some ones such as the first and the second of Moharram when they are busy gamboling.

After condoling the Lunar month of Moharram, the month of bawling and mourning, we condole the birthday of this ominous person to the Twelfth Imam Hojjat ibn Al-Hassan Al-Asgari ( May Allah hasten his reappearance) and another the faithful and the right seekers.

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