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Converting a Baha’i to Islam through the miracle of Imam Hadi (P.H)

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Converting a Baha’i to Islam through the miracle of Imam Hadi (P.H)

Bahaismiran: I was always asking myself this question that why has Ali Muhammad Bab been our god and why has he been given the title of Rabb-al-A’ala, while this person has been executed by a person who was holy among Iranians and was being entitled the Martyr Amir the Great.

A few years ago, we became aware of the issue that one of those who turned against Baha’ism (freed from Baha’ism ) has freed from Baha’ism vortex. We went after him to know more about his converting to Islam. Of course, the mentioned person asked for his name not to be released with the insistence of himself; because he was being threatened and boycotted; for it is habitual in Baha’i families that a person who separates from this cult, all of his properties will be blocked and he himself will be boycotted by the family. Unfortunately some people who have turned against and freed from this deviant cult have had agonized fate after being boycotted by the family and Baha’ism community that have been obliged to sell their kidneys for earning a living; but they didn’t accept to leave the redemptive religion of Islam and the rightful religion of Ja’fari.

What were your reasons that made you turn against this cult and turn to Islam and Shiite religion?

In the name of Allah- I have converted to Islam for a while and selected the Household’s (P.H.) religion. There are some reasons for my converting to Islam. One of the most important reasons refers to last year when Imam Hadi (P.H.) was insulted. Because of my curiosity about this issue, I entered in the site in order to have a role in the expansion of it too according to my intrinsic aim (being Baha’i). I studied some matters unwillingly through different sites such as facebook and campaign which were active regarding this insult. I gradually figured out some issues and I did more studies concerned with this Imam. And some of the specifications of him influenced me deeply; so that I thought from night till dawn. I was enthusiastic about studying the biography of this Imam exactly. It took a week. During this period of time, I realized that my thoughts were in accordance with Baha’is anymore; but I still wasn’t aware of Islam. For this reason I started my research about Islam and referred to different people. During this period of time, I investigated the biography of the holy Imams. I was fond of this culture very much. After a while, I studied the heads of Baha’ism and Baha’ism cult with open eyes out of Baha’ism organization. I had previously head that they were saying Baha’is are the colonialism’s spies; but this time I had realized it. We had been said that Ali Muhammad Bab is Rabb-al-A’ala (the great lord) and Hussein Ali Nouri is our prophet.

I had always had this question in my mind that why Ali Muhammad Bab is our God and why he has been given the title of Rabb-al-A’ala. On the other side, this person had been executed by a person was considered as a holy one in Iranian people’s sights and he had been given the title of martyr Amir the Great.

At that time this question was put forward for me, but the organization didn’t let us to discuss about it. I was coming up with lots of questions day by day. For instance, why were Baha’is responsible for people of Iran to be killed in Shah’s era. Then, I realized that seventy people among Pahlavi Army heads were Baha’is. And they were commanding their personnel to shoot people.

During this period of time when insulting to Imam Hadi(P.H.) were increasing, I was becoming embarrassed of my past. The lunar month of Moharram started and I was observing that Shiite kids were wearing mourning clothes and were mourning for Imam Hussein (P.H.) in Jiroft. But those days were Bab and Hussein Ali Nouri’s (our prophet) birthdays. My family and I were invited to nightly party. We were commanded there to wear the happiest clothes and I was observing that they were dancing.

We had some guests from Kerman who had come there to elevate the youth’s spirits. That night this question flashed through the mind that these days are the days when the Lord of the Martyrs has been martyred; but why were all of our occasions are held according to solar calendar; but Bab and Baha’s birthdays had been changed to lunar month. I asked one of the members of the organization this question. He answered: It is none of our business and the people in charge in Bait-al-Adl have issued such command. And we obey them. I asked:” Why are Bait-al-Adl’s members generally English. Didn’t this faith start from Iran?

Then he suspected me and asked: “Why do you ask me such questions. I evaded and apologized. I believed that Baha’ism cult was vain and was from Colonialism and arrogance.

Next morning, I woke up; as if I was free and the trust light had been lit in my essence. I had such a strange feeling and enthusiasm that as if I was flying. This was one of the most sensational and the sweetest moments in my life.

What are you wishing? I wish my parents and my sister of whom I am fond became familiar with the reality of Islam and Shiism religion and became Muslim as Imam Hadi (P.H) guided me. I ask all Muslims to say prayer for me to be firm in the path I’ve selected.

What is your last word? I hope to be a good soldier for my leader Seyyed Ali Khamenei and I wish he would intercede me in the presence of Imam Zaman ( may Allah hasten his reappearance)

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