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Finality; Negation of Bab and Baha Creeds

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Finality; Negation of Bab and Baha Creeds

\"Finality\" is one of the fundamental and common principles among all the Islamic religions and sects (Shia, Sunni,…). Based on this principle Hazrat Mohammad Ibn Abdollah, the Holy Prophet of Islam, is the last prophet and messenger of God on the earth. This means that he is the last person who has been sent by God as \"Nabi\" (messenger) and \"Rasoul\" (envoy) to the man and that his religion (Islam) is the last divine religion. It is interesting that the word \"Khatamulnabiyeen\" (the last of the prophets) (Holy Quran, Chapter \"Ahzab\", verse 40) and the principle of \"finality\" of the prophet of Islam in addition to serving as a general belief of Muslims has been repeatedly admitted and used by the founder of the Baha’i sect (Mirza Hussein Ali Baha), therefore blocking the way of any fallacy and unfounded interpretation by the Baha’is of the verse 40 of Chapter Ahzab concerning the issue of finality. Hussein Ali Baha in his different books and scripts has attributed titles such as \"the last messenger\", \"the last prophet\" and \"the last of the prophets\" to the prophet of Islam, and explicitly and carefully described the \"finality\" of the prophet as \"the end\" and \"conclusion\" of the chain of prophecy and divine mission. Therefore, in the wake of the above quotations by Hussein Ali Baha there is no room for unfounded and false justifications such as this remark that in the verse 40 of Chapter Ahzab, it is \"the prophecy\" of the prophets which has been ended by the prophet of Islam and not their \"mission\" and the Prophet of Islam is \" The last prophet\" and not the last \"messenger\". So Baha’is should answer to this basic question as to how we should settle the apparent contradiction between the words of Baha and those of his successor Abbas Afandi, who rejected this, and secondly, how and based on what ground Hussein Ali Baha (and Mohammad Ali Bab, before him) more than twelve centuries after the appointment of the Prophet of Islam by God and establishment of his eternal religion, have ruled out as obsolete the percepts and regulations of this final and eternal religion, and substitute the Holy Quran and Islam with a so-called new divine book and religion with the name of \"BAYAN\" and \"Aqdas\" / by \"Babi\" and \"Baha’i\" sects?


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