The Baha’i proselytizers must be asked: isn’t it true that your leaders have introduced themselves as the pioneers of removal all prejudices (including the religious one)?!
They answer: Yes, removal prejudices is one of the basic bases of our creed and our leaders have considered bigotry as the agent of destroying human being: “Prejudices destroys the basis of human being[1].”
Why has your leader Abdul Baha prevented the Baha’i kids to study in non-Baha’i schools: “sending and educating the disciples’ kids in non-Baha’i school causes them to be stiff and languor.[2]” isn’t it the sign for being bigoted?!
In another place, Abdul Baha has said: “O’ real disciples, there is no pest greater than stiffness and doldrums because it is the incarnate death.[3]”
How is it possible to shout the slogan of the removal of all prejudices and to consider fellowship you kids with others as the incarnate death?!