Baha’is and obeying The Nazi Germany (part 1)

Monday, 17 January 2022 04:45 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


How did the Baha’ism obey the racist and warmongering party of Nazi? However, after dozens of years, it compares the Islamic system of government with Hitler.

     On February, 1934 A.D shortly after Nazi party got into power and Hitler’s crimes, the chancellor of Germany started Shoqi Effendi, the Baha’is third leader issued a statement addressing the Baha’is residing in Germany. It was emphasized in the statement recited and transferred by one of the members of the universal house of justice that obeying the Nazi government and backing its policies are necessary for the Baha’is.[1]

     However, the following notes are necessary to be mentioned investigating the reason for obeying Nazi party and Hitler himself by the Baha’is:

1)   One of the principles and aims of Baha’ism is trying to achieve the universal peace: “Our wish is oneness of humane world and our aim is the general peace[2]’, why doesn’t Shoqi allow Baha’is to oppose the dictatorial regime of Hitler?! Additionally, why has he ordered the Baha’is to obey him and his policies?! Doesn’t obeying the Nazi government confirm Baha’is contribution in Hitler’s warmongerings?![3]

2)   Why did the Baha’i heads were treacherous against the Ottoman government by supplying provision for the aggressive army of the united kingdom[4]?! Why aren’t nowadays they bound with their principle and proselytize in Iran and denounce the Islamic republic of Iran in international assemblies[5]?!

3)   According to Baha’ism leaders, not meddling with policy and obeying government leaders are necessary for the Baha’is. So, why does the Baha’ism organization advise the Baha’is in 1388S.H. message during the green sedition adventure: “You can’t be detached about your fellow citizens’ problems[6]?!

4)   Why have the Baha’is found out that their leaders have considered justice as the condition for obeying governments and for this reason they have called the Islamic Republic as unfair to assume their obstructionism as legitimate[7] ?!

5)   Shoqi Effendi obliged the Baha’is to obey the Nazi regime of Germany because it didn’t molest the Baha’is. Is the lack of molesting Baha’is a criterion for distinguishing the justice of governments?! In this regard, what is the meaning of the slogan of the oneness of human world[8]?! Is the meaning of oneness of  human world the following sentence Baha’is are pearls and non-Baha’is are worthless gravels[9]?!

Question: What about the lack of meddling in policy?


[1] The light of divine guidance, Vol. 1, p. 54.

[2] Ishraq Khawari, the message of heavens, India, Bina, 1986 A.D., p. 52.

[3] وَ لا تَرکَنُو اِلَی الَّذینَ ظَلَمُوا فَتَمَسَّکُمُ النارَ وَ ما لَکُم مِن دونِ اللهِ مِن اولیاءَ ثُمَّ لا تَنصُرُون" [هود/ 113]

And incline not toward those who do wrong lest the First touch you, and ye have no protecting friends against Allah, and afterwards ye would not be lieped.” [Hud/ 113]

[4] For more studies refer to the article: Lady Bloomfield’s narration from the role of Abdul Baha in defeating the Ottoman.

[5] For more studies refer to the article: The resolution of the United Nation organization in defeating the Iranian Baha’is!

[6] The Universal House of Justice message to Iranian disciples, Tir, 2, 1388: June, 23, 2009.

[7] The Universal House of Justice statement, dated February, 28, 2005.

[8] Refer to Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: Attempted by Farajullah Zakiul Kurdi, 1st edition, 1921 A.D., Vol. 3, p. 67.

[9] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 129 Badi’a, Vol. 4, p. 253.


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