Why Shoqi Effendi joint with Nazi Germany? (Part 2)

Monday, 17 January 2022 04:47 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Shortly after Nazi party gained power and Hitler dictatorship started in Germany, Shoqi Effendi issued a statement addressing the Baha'is emphasizing the necessity for obeying Nazi government of this country. However, Shoqi Effendi shouldn’t have counted on racist dictator, Hitler and Nazi Hitler!

     On February 1934 A.D. shortly after Nazi party got into power and the start of Hitler's crimes as the German chancellor, the Baha'i leader Shoqi Effendi issued a statement addressing the Baha'is residing in Germany. It was emphasized in the statement reciting and transferred by one of the member of the universal house of justice that obeying the Nazi government and backing its policies is necessary for the Baha'is.

     In the letter, Shoqi Effendi writes: "Nothing is against the spirit of the Baha'i faith unless obvious riot against the governmental officials of a country; specially when they don’t meddle and don’t disagree with holy individualistic beliefs and people's religious ideas. There are some reasons to believe that the then regime of Germany (Nazis) has prevented humiliating the personal conscience in all affairs related to religion. It will never be violated in near future, at all unless unprecedented and unpredictable changes occur. This issue seems unlikely now.[1]"

     Backing Nazi government and admiring its function, Shoqi Effendi mentions the necessity for obeying Nazi leaders to the Baha'is residing Germany and the Baha'i national assembly. Pointing out the elective speech text of Hitler studied carefully by Shoqi, Shoqi writes: "It is necessary for each Baha'i to obey the regulations and laws of this government.[2]"

     Nevertheless, it is interesting to be known that exactly before writing the letter, several events happened in Germany which informed about dark and frightening future.

1)   Due to Reichstage conflagration on February, 27 1933m Hitler could make a law be passed in parliament dated March 1933 which enabled the chancellor; that is Hitler, to revise the German Constitution for 4 years. The first outcome of the law was that all German parties got forbidden and illegal except for the National socialist German workers party (NSDAP) and caused Germany to be totalitarian.

2)   The hurt and persecution of the Jewish, communists, anchovies, liberalists and Protestant churches who were against the positions of  Nazi party have begun; but they hadn’t still been culminated.

3)   A year had been passed since Germany had been boycotted economically by the American Jewish.

4)   The paramilitary of Nazi party; that is, (SA) headed by Ernest Rohm, Hitler's assistant was present in all Germany streets across the country and was confronting violently and horribly against Hitler's opponents and Nazis.

Consequently, how can Baha'ism introduce itself as peaceable[3]; while it considers supporting warmongers as necessary?! The necessity for obeying Nazi Germany mean the Baha'is participation in Hitler's wars. On the other side, Baha'ism is speaking about the oneness of mankind[4]; while Shoqi Effendi admired the racist regime of Germany[5].

[1] The light of divine guidance, Vol. 1, p.54.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Bahaullah has guaranteed that the universal peace is one of the fundamental achievements of God's religion; and peace will be established among all nations, governments, people, religions, races and all human beings. This issue is one of the special characteristics of the emergence which has been sent down in God's speech. Abdul-Baha, the promulgation of universal peace, 2nd ed (us. Baha'i publishing Trust, 1982) pp. 455.

[4] Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, the western Germany, the national assembly of the faith works, Badi'a 125, p. 290.

[5] Refer to Shoqi Effendi, the blessed writings, Tehran: the national institute of the faith press, Badi'a 125, p. 290.

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