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Violence the means of Baha’ism Part 3

Sunday, 13 November 2016 17:55 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

The Martyrdom of the valued scholar Muhammad Taqi Baraqani Qazvini (the third martyr)


     The birthday of Hajj Mulla taqi Baraqani Qazvini

     Hajj Mulla Muhammad Taqi Baraqani Qazvini known as the third martyr was one of the great scholars of 13th century A.H. He was born in Baraqan village, Karaj. This Shiite scientist was born in Baraqan and learned Arabic literature and the lessons of theological school in Qom and Isfahan cities.



     Ayatollah Baraqani learned his elementary educations in BAraqan, Qazvin. Then, he departed to Isfahan to learn the intellectual sciences by Mulla Agha Bid Abadi (died, 1197 A.H.).  next, he headed off towards the Holy Shrines and joined Agha Baqer Behbahani’s (died, 1205 A.H.) class.

     At this time, he came back Iran because of the prevalence of cholera disease in Iraq.

     To continue his education, he went to Qom city and joined Miza Abul Qasem Qomi’s (deid, 1231 A.H.) classes. Then he traveled to Isfahan city, settled and finished the intellectual sciences in Mulla Ali Nouri’s (died, 1246) classes. He was busy teaching Al-Shawahed al-Roboubieh, one of Mulla Sadra’s ideas and fluency in speech many pupils turned to him to educate the intellectual sciences. After a while, he left Isfahan towards Karbala and honed Seyyed Ali Tabatabaee’s classes (died, 1221 A.H.). next, he headed off towards Najaf to be educated by Sheikh Ja’far Kabir (died, 1228 A.H.), the author of Kashful Qita’a.[1]

     At his period of time, various cults were being made and expanded. The main cults consisted of Wahhabism, Sheikism and Babism against which he campaigned so much.

     He was also criticizing Sufi severely to such an extent that cause Hajj Aghasi, Muhammad Shah’s chancellor not to have a positive view towards him.

     To campaign against different cults of Colonialists

     Muhammad Taqi’s life was accompanied by the main transitions in the regional and worldwide arenas. In Europe, the steam machine was invented. The industrial revolution was happened. The English government established the eastern Indian company for marketing his items and providing the first materials. The eastern Indian company branches were opened in both sides of the Persian Golf from Basra to Boushehr, Bahrian and Muscat. They were active swiftly and powerfully. The English Colonial system of government took important measures to make Muslims’ thoughts and minds busy in order not to figure out their Colonial aims and to keep them away from the Middle East issues. For instance, it sent many Christian missionaries to the eastern countries. It also innovated two movements which created various seditions and bloodshed which is still existed.

1.   Wahhabism cult: this cult which has been made by the English Colonialism by Hanbali religion man called Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi based on extramist thoughts

2.   Sheikism cult, the forerunner of Babism and Baha’ism: The second cult was an intellectual deviating movement which was made based on Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee’s thoughts. He was Shiite.

     Debate with Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee:

     This event goes back the last years of Ehsaee’s life Ehsaee. Ehsaee traveled from Kermanshah to Mashhad. He stopped at Qazvin city for a while. The scholars of Qazvin city followed him praying. He was respectful for them. One day Ehsaee visited Muhammad Taqi Baraqani. After some compliments, Muhammad Taqi and Sheikh Ahmad debated about resurrection. Muhammad Taqi believed in the physical resurrection; but Sheikh Ehsaee believed in the resurrection with Hur Qoliaee body. Eventually, this session ended unfavorably by entering one of Ehsaee’s pupils.



     The excommunication of Sheikism cult by the third martyr:

     The adventure of Muhammad Taqi and Sheikh Ahmad’s debate is known by everybody in Qazvin city. Roknudduleh Ali Naqi Mirza, the then ruler of Qazvin city becomes aware of the issue and decides to reconcile Muhammad Taqi and Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee. He holds an assembly with the presence of Qazvin scholars. He invites the third martyr and Sheikh Ahmad to reconcile. The ruler isn’t successful and this time the martyr excommunicates Sheikh Ahmad openly and firmly. After the event, Ehsaee leaves Qazvin city.

 Ehsaee’s excommunication by Mulla Muhammad Taqi Baraqani was a turning point in Baraqani was a turning point in Baraqani and Ehsaee’s lives. The commandment of Sheikh Ahmad’s excommunication caused the other jurisconsults to dare to excommunicate Sheikism cult. Following these events, Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee was depreciated religiously, scientifically and socially. From that time on, Muhammad Taqi campaigned against Ehsaee and his followers seriously and firmly.

     The third martyr’s exile to Iraq:

     The time when Muhammad Taqi was teaching and issuing judgment, the provinces in north of Iran were occupied by the Russian due to the inefficiency of the Qajar king Fath Ali Shah and Iran’s failure in World War L. England and France were severely competing to plunder the country wealth and intervening domistic affairs of Iran.

     These phenomena caused Muhammad Taqi to be angry and posed the issue of jurisconsult guardianship for the first time in order to oppose the depraved Qajar kingdom system of government. This issue caused the legitimacy of the Qajar king to be difficult and challenging. He invited the top scholars of Tehran to Golestan palace. Muhammad Taqi stated the issue of the leadership of jurisconsults during the major absence era explicitly in the meeting and several jurisconsults who were present there confirmed his theory. The Qajar king became extremely angry with him; so the king exiled his two brothers, Sheik Muhammad Saleh and Mulla Ali Baraqani and him to Iraq.

     Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Baraqani has settled in Karbala and Najaf and was busy leading religiously. When Sheikh Ja’far, the author of Kashful Qita’a head off towards Iran, Muhammad Taqi and his brothers brought him to Iran and mediated in the presence of the king of Qajar Fath Ali Shah. The Qajar king would accept Sheikh Ja’far mediation on the condition that Baraqani didn’t reside in Tehran caliphate. The third martyr chose Qazvin as the center for his scientific movement. He built a mosque there and became busy teaching and proselytizing the religions learnings. The religious science came to him from the distant areas.


    The excommunication of the misled cult of Baha’ism by the third martyr

     The activities of Babis have made the Shiite scholars specially Ayatollah Baraqani be anxious. For this reason, Muhammad Taqi took on responsibility again and issued his historical judgment concerning the excommunication of the deviant cult of Baha’ism. Sheikh Agha Bozorg Tehrani wrote in this regard: “In the third martyr’s era the Babis rebelled, regard and killed many sinless people. Ayatollah Baraqani stood bravely against them and issued judgment against their atheism and excrement. He clarified their aberration and made them despised in people’s presence.

     When the theological school of Najaf and Karbala received Sheikh’s excommunication commandment, other scholars confirmed it. This issue made the Sheikhi scholars be hateful in Najaf, Karbala, Qom, Mashhad, Isfahan and other theological schools.

     When Sheikh became aware of this fact that the scholars and dignitaries of Najaf and Karbala have excommunicated him, he claimed that the scholars of those regions believe in Osul [principles of jurisprudence] and aren’t good at the intellectual sciences and wisdom. Consequently they can’t figure out my words. Thus, he asked Mulla Muhammad Astar Abadi to who was a careful and cautious man to judge him. First, late Astar Abadi studied Sheikh’s books and epistles and stated: “There phrases must be thought and I have to speak with him in order for his excommunication commandment to be obvious.” One day, late Astar Abadi met Sheikh in the bathroom and debated him and people gathered. At last, late Astar Abadi excommunicated Sheikh and a chaos was created.[2] The following are these who excommunicated Sheikh:

Mulla Ja’far Astar Abadi, Mulla Aghq darbandi, Saeed-al-Ulama mazandarani, the third martyr, Ayatollah Muhammad Hassan Najafi the outhor of the book “Javaher”, Seyyed Mojahed, Seyyed Mehdi Tabatabaee, Muhammad Hussein Eyvanakey the author of the book “Fosoul”, Shariful Ulama and Seyyed Ibrahim Qazvini.[3]

     Ayatollah Muhammad   taqi Baraqani who was martyred in the path of defending the true beliefs of Shiite stood firmly against Babism having exemplary solidity. This issue made his enemies take vengeance deeply. Eventually, they planned to kill him since they couldn’t tolerate. As usual at midnight when he had gone to mosque to worship, a group of Babi worshipping. The nest day, Qazvin city was in black and crying and mourning people buried him in Shahzadeh Hussein holy shrine.


     Muhammad Taqi Baraqani’s assassination can be likely originated from what has happened in Karbala. Tahereh who had grown up in Seyyed Kazem Rashti’s school, entered Iran after living for a long time in Iraq. She arrived at Qazvin city after a while. She didn’t meet Rashti; but she was extremely searching for Rashti’s deviating beliefs. The scholars of the city made her to make a decision affected by her companions’ inspirations in Iraq.



Qorratul Ein


     Qorratul Ein’s return to Qazvin city and Muhammad Taqi Baraqi’s contact with her made her take vengeance and decide to kill Baraqani. Muhammad Taqi Baraqani was assassination by one of Babi people (influenced by Fatemeh Zarrin Taj, Mulla Muhammad Saleh Baraqani’s offspring, Muhammad Taqi’s nephew and bride who was one of dignitaries of the cult at that time and later on she was entitled as Tahereh Qorratul Ein by Bab in Badasht region) while he was praying. Eventually, Muhammad Taqi Baraqani was martyred due to injury in Zul Qa’del [the eleventh Arabic lunar month], 17, 1263 A.H. Thus, he was known as “the third martyr”.

     His martyrdom

     Concerning his martyrdom, the author of the book “Reyhan-al-Adab” has written: “In the beginning of the emergence of Babi sedition and in the first year of ruling king Naseruddin, this Islamic scholar’s religious defenses and endeavours which were of his intrinsic habits caused him to be murdered.

     Here is the adventure: The other night, he went to mosque as usual and was busy praying. When he entered into the mosque, several Babis attacked him, injured eight parts of his neck by spear and escaped. Being tarnsfered to his house, Hajj Mulla Muhammad Taqi Baraqani passed away and buried next to Shazadeh Hussein in Qazvin city.

     The deviant cult of Baha’ism commemorates Amri the great, Mulla Muhammad Saeed-al-Ulama Mazandarani and Mulla Muhammad Taqi Baraqani Qazvini hatefully. Since these three great scholars of Shiism had intelligently figured out their Colonial and divisive plans and foiled their Sanatic intentions tactfully.




     Baraqani’s works in brief:

     In the book “A’aya-al-Shiieh, Seyyed Amin lists Mulla Muhammad Taqi’s books:

1.   Majales-al-Mottaqin

2.   Uyoun-al-Osoul

3.   ,emhajul Ijtehead

4.   Al-Qaza An-al-Amwat




[1] The theological school magazine, p. 390.

[2] Mazahe-al-Athar, 1064/1 and Sheikhims, the forerunner of Babism from apge 52 on

[3] In search of truth, p. 27.

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