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Violence, the means of Baha’ism Part- 4

Thursday, 24 November 2016 10:31 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Tabarsi Castle phenomenon:


     One of the better events which happened by Babi devilish acts and Babism history has investigated it is the event related to Tabarsi Castle. This better event happened in Noor region and the famous castle of Sheikh Tabarsi headed by Mulla Hussein Boshrouyee.


     Who is Mulla Hussein Bposhrouyee

     Mulla Hussein is Mulla Abdullah Sabbaq’s son. He was born in 1229. (Nabil Zarandi’s history). He learned his elementary education in Boshrouyeh and then in Mirza Ja’far school. According to the author of the book “Nasekh-al-Tavarikh” he learned the formal sciences such as inflections and Syntax, religious jurisprudence and principles of jurisprudence, too. After being familiar with the rudiments of Sheikh Ehsaee’s beliefs, he went to Karbala and became Sheikh Kazem Rashti’s pupil. He took his family to Karbala, too. He has been Seyyed Kazem’s pupil for nine years.

     According to the Baha’i resources, when the renowned Hujjatul Islam Seyyed Muhammad Baqer Shafti observed that the scholars of Isfahan were telling bad words to Sheikism and they were too fight with each other, he wrote a letter for Seyyed Kazem to come to Isfahan or to send a deputy to solve the differences. Seyyed Kazem sent Mulla Hussein and he could prove the legitimacy of Sheikism principles during seven months. When he was coming back the trip, he became aware of Seyyed’s death. Because Seyyed had announced them about the emergence. After 40 days seclusion in Koufeh mosque, Mulla Hussein searched to find the lost man. In Shiraz city, he was the first man who met Bab. For this reason Seyyed called him “the first man who believed in” and assumed him as “Hayy numbers”. (Refer to Zohourul Haqq, Kawakeb  and Nabil Zarandi’s history)

     Although Hussein Khan Nezamul Molk had d Bab ordered to stay in his house and not to open the door for strangers and intimates; but he sent several people to every city to invite them to his faith and to ask for oa thing allegiance. He sent Mulla Hussein to Iraq and Khorasan to go to each city and village and to invite them to believe in Bab. Bab gave a letter of pilgrimage of Imam Ali (P.H.) which had inculcated himself. Also, Bab gave Mulla Hussein the interpretation of Joseph (P.H.) Sureh which had been interpreted by Bab himself in order to recite it for people to be as a proof for his eloquence and accomplishments.[1]

     Nabil writes: “Bab sends his turban for Mulla Hussein as an honor medal and calls him Seyyed Ali although he wasn’t Seyyed.”

     That is, Bab considered himself as the leader of Islam and Mulla Hussein as the commander of the Faithful, Ali (P.H.) the commander of the army. Bab commissioned him to conquer Mazandaran while he had been disappointed of conquering Khorasan.

     Sheikh Tabarsi’s tomb

     Sheikh Tabarsi’s tomb –the tomb of Sheikh Ahmad ibn Abi Taleb known as Sheikh Tabarsi – is different from the tomb of the great scholar Sheikh Tabarsi who is the author of the book “the interpretation of Majma’a-al-Bayan and has been buried in Mashhad city near the holy shrine of Imam Reza (P.H.). Edward Brown visited the tomb on September, 26, 1888 and has written a little about it.[2] He says:

     “Sheikh Tabarsi’s tomb is located 15 miles away from Babel city. Inside the castle, Sheikh’s name has been written on a tablet  and a letter of pilgrimage has been hung on the shrine wall. There are a yard covered with weeds and a small building having a roofed long passage which has been ended in a yard which is twenty feet long and ten feet wide. This building has two rooms. There is grave at the middle of one these rooms, too.

     The reason for Tabarsi tomb occurrence:

     When Ali Muhammad Shirazi heard some news about Babis’ measures in Mazandaran, the imminent death of Muhammad Shah Qajar andf the prince movement from Tabriz city to Tehran, he wrote a letter for Mulla Hussein Boshrouyee: Mulla Hussein was still in Mashhad city. A person from the Excellency Bab came to Mashhad city, gave the Excellency Bab’s turban to Mulla Hussein and said: “The Excellency Bab stated you to wear this green turban, to elevate this black banner in front of your horse and to head off towards the green island (Mazandaran) to help and accompany with the Excellency Qoddous. From this time on, you will be called by the new name “Seyyed Ali”. Mulla Hussein Boshrouyee was rumoring in the nearby villages that Imam of the time has emerged and it is everybody’s duty to help him using horse, sword and black banners. Several naive people overtook to be of the first disciples of Imam Mahdi (P.H.). they got ready quickly, rode on horses and took sword and some food to join Mulla Husseinn Boshrouyee and to save Seyyed Ali Muhammad Shirazi. They first went to the capital city and then to Azarbayjan. The villagers thought that the tyranny by the tyrant rulers and lords, the cruelty in Qazar government, the internecine fighting of the kingdom claimant after Karim Khan Zand, the massacres by Agha Muhammad Khan Qajar, the wars between Iran and Russia, and the victory of the atheists; that is, the Czar Russia are the signs of the emergence. The news of the Khorasani villagers’ attacks cause the Qajar king and the court to be afraid. The king sent a large number of soldiers of Khorasan accompanied by cannons, guns and ammunitions. Eventually the soldiers and the villagers from Khorasan encountered near the village, Bastam, near Shahroud city and the soldiers slaughtered the villagers.

     After the bloody fighting and creating riots in various parts of the country, Ali Muhammad Bab was brought to Chehriq castle from Tabriz according to Amri the great’s suggestion. Naseruddin Shah who was the then prince ordered for a meeting to be held in which the scholars of Azarbayjan were present. In order for Bab’s beliefs to be investigated better, the king ordered for Bab to be brought to debate with the scholars-mostly from the followers of Sheikism cult[3].

     Tabarsi castle event:

     It is certain that king Muhammad Qajar’s death created a special opportunity for all studious groups to gain power.

     When Saeed-al-Ulama found out that the Excellency Mulla Hussein headed off from Mashhad to Barforoush (babel) carrying black banners with a group of brave people wrote a letter for “Abbas Qoli Kahn Sardar Larijani”. He also sent “Muhammad Beik Yavar” accompanied by three hundred riflemen to confront Babis. After Mulla Hussein and Hajji Muhammad Ali realized that fighting wasn’t advisable, they escaped to Sabze meydan while several of his followers were killed. They took refuge in a sanctuary. In Sabae Meydan, Mulla Hussein sent some people to provide water and food. After a while, they came and said the bakers didn’t sell bread to us and people didn’t permit them to bring water.[4]

     The city circumstance wasn’t the same as that of Mulla Hussein was thinking. Despite of his bravery, he couldn’t fight with a city having 300 companions. Thus, it was advisable for him to withdraw and leave the city.

     Eventually Mulla Hussein and Abbas Qoli Khan negotiated with each other and Babis went form Barforoush towards Ali Abad along with Abbas Qoli Khan’s commissions.[5]

After Babis and their protectors arrived at Ali Abad, Sardar Larijani’s commissions returned. At that time, Khosrow Nam Qadi Kalaee followed their caravan with a crowd coveting. He asked for bride with the excuse of escorting and protecting them. They didn’t begrudge, too.[6]

     Nabil writes on page 335:

     “Several riders of Khosrow (the chairman of Babis’ protectors) headed off. The Excellency Mulla Hussein and Khosrow had hidden on horses next to each other and the rest of followers were following them. The rest of Khosrow’s riders were moving in their both left and right sides. The riders were quite armed… khosrow directed the followers to go in the path of forest intentionally in order to achieve their intention (that is, killing Babis) better. As soon as the disciples of Babul Abvab arrived at the forest, Khosrow pointed to his riders. Suddenly, all of them attacked the plundering … When Mulla Hussein became aware of the event, he got off the horse and said to Khosrow: It is afternoon and we haven’t arrived at Shirgah. I won’t come with you and won’t need your help and guidance… One of the faithful disciples called Muhammad Taqi Joveyni Sabzevari found out that one of Khosrow’s servants was busy preparing hookah for him. Muhammad Taqi went to him and said: I ask you to give it to me to take for Khosrow. He accepted. Mirza Muhammad Taqi took the hookah and gave it to Khosrow. Then he bent to blow out the fire, then, Mirza TAqi Khan took Khosroe’s dagger out of his waist cover and insert into Khosrow’s belly. Mulla Hussein was busy praying. The disciples shouted: O’ Imam of the time and attacked their enemies. All Khosrow’s riders were killed. Nobody was alive except that servant who was preparing hooka for Khosrow. He had entreated the Excellency Mulla Hussein to forgive him, the Excellency Mulla Hussein bestowed Khosrow’s hookah studded with gems to the servant. Then, he continued to arrive a place which was a kilometer away from Sheikh Tabarsi’s tomb.”

     In order to accord their historical events with the Shiite traditions, the Baha’is confirm that there were 313 people in the castle.

     “Mirza Heydar Ali writes in the book “Dalayel-al-Erfan”: 313 scholars and apostle gathered in Sheikh Tabarsi castle in Tabarestan and gave evidence.[7]

     The author of the book “Noqtatul Kaf” mentions a statement which compeltes Mirza Heydar Ali Isfahani’s declaration: “ The Excellency Qa’em who is the resurrection of the holy prophet (P.H.) is Muhammad Ali (the Excellency Qaddous) and the resurrection recital is the Excellency the commander of the faithful…![8]

     The mentioned reason by the author of the book “The ancient history” : “… the forth reason is that 313 apostle gathered and died.[9] Additionally, because he has paid attention to the important tradition of the Shiite authentic books concerning this issue that these people will surround their Imam in Mecaa, there was no way but he said: “He


     Regarding these texts, is one side Muhammad Ali (Qoddous) the actor of “Badasht” paly is the Excellency Muhammad ibn Abdullah who has returned! On the other side, he is Hujjat ibn Al-Hassan Al-Askari (P.H.) and according to tradition, 313 peoplesurrounded him and eventually after the bloody event of Tabarsi castle: “Saeedul Ulama persormed his deeds and they martyred the promisedliving existent man.[10]

     On the other side, “Qoddous” (Muhammad Ali Barfroush) called his father, according to this reliable source of Babism: “Know, I am not your Son.. and I am the Jesus Christ and I have been appeared like your son and I have chosen you as my father expediently.[11]


     “Muhammad Ali Barforoush” is the Excellency Muhammad ibn Abdullah, Hujjat ibn Al-Hassan Al-Askari and the Excellency Jesus Christ!

     And Mr. Hussein Boshrouyee is the Excellency Imam Hussein (P.H.) who has returned!

     Regarding this issue that first the Babis themselves believe that the number of their killed followers have been more than 350 people; second, the event of Sheikh Tabarsi castle has happened when Ali Muhammad Shirazi had claimed for being Imam of the time; but at once “Qoddous” becomes the promised living existent man and Ali Muhammad Shirzi becomes the Excellency commander of the faithful!

     In the book “Baha’ism in the passage of history” it has been written concerning Tabarsi castle: “Mulla Hussein sought asylum to Sheikh Tabarsi and used the situation of grandees; leaving from Mazandaran to Tehran to participate in the celebration of king Naseruddin’s accession to the throne and he started building a castle in Tabarsi castle. He built a firm fence. Its tower was 10 Zar [410 inches] on which he established a watch tower. He digged a deep moat around it. He made ramparts and other belligerent arrangements. The ramparts were even with the castle tower. The moats were connected to the towers. Two thousand Babis gathered there and were ready to fight. They digged deep holes into the castle and into each embankment. They covered each hole with soil. After preparing the equipments they went to the nearby villages to collect provision and goodies. They collected provenders and other essential necessities in the castle. When Mulla Hussein became free from preparing the equipments, he started inviting people. He was betokening the simple-hearted people and said: The next year Mirza Ali9 Muhammad Bab will fake possession of seven regions and will reveal God’s religion and the religions will become the same.

     In this way, he deceived those who were seeking for properties and dignity and gathered them. Meantime, Hajji Muhammad Ali (one of the then scholars who had turned to Bab) was entitled the Excellency Aa’la and rotal court and seat had been prepared for him. He was schadualed to be seen less by the Babis in order to gain rank more; so that, he decided to go to bathroom in the nearby village. When he came out of the royal court, the Babis queued. As soon as they saw him, they fell on the ground and rubbed their face on the mud. They stayed at that position till Hajji Muhammad Ali allowed them to stand up.

     Hajji Muhammad Ali bestowed each of them a title, too. One of them was entitled the manifestation of the eighth Imam (P.H.),. He called the other Imam Reza (P.H.). he gave good new to each one that if they are killed in the battle, more or less than forty days, they will become alive again and will go into paradise in the day of judgment and in this world they will become kings or at least they will become the rulers of provinces. He bestowed some of them the kingdoms of China, Khata, Rome and European countries. He delighted some of them with bestowing the governorships of the Iranian cities.

      He adduced Bab’s statement for these generosities and the guaranty of performance:

     “And they will inrush from Khazar island towards the Zaura mountain foot and will kill nearly 12000 Turks.”

     Boshrouyee said to the Babis: “Bab meant MAzandaran lank when he said Khazar [green] island and Zaura mount is near Amir Abdul Azim’s holy shrine –Imam Reza’s (P.H.) brother.” The Babis were moralized hearing these statements in order for them to do each impetuous actions fearlessly.

     These events were simultaneous with lunar months of Zulqa’deh and Zulhajjeh, 1264 A.H. that were simultaneous with the kingdom of king Naseruddin and his accession to the throne. This change in kingdom made the country afflicted by a series of events, unrests and faults. The king couldn’t control  the government well; so everything was happening in favor of the Babis.

     At that time, the Babis rioted and the king became really sidturbed. Althought at that time and at the beginning of Naseruddin Shah’s kingdom, the riots and inspections had been flourished such as Salar’s riot in Khorasan, Seyful Molouk Mirza, Akbar Mirza Zellusoltan’s riot in Qazvin city, Agha Muhammad Khan Mahallati’s sedition, The people of Qazvin’s riot against Jamshid makouee, The people of Kermanshah’s riot against moHEB Ali Khan Makouee, Kordestan revolution, Reza Qoli Kahn Ardalan’s riot against Khosrow Khan Gorji VAli, Fars revolt, Kerman disturbance, Isfahan uproar and Bakhtiyari Khan’s riot and etc. nevertheless, the Babis riot which was originated by the religious issues had dominated all the mentioned –above riots. Naseruddin Shah consulted with these who were familiar with Mazandaran issues and know the people of that region. Then he asked the diginitaries of Mazandaran who were influential in the court to repel the babis’ sedition in MAzandaran. Hajji Mostafa Khan sent an agent to his brother Agha Abdullah and Abbas Qoli Khan sent an agent to Muhammad Soltan Yavar and Ali Kahn Savad Kouhi sent an agent to Saved Kouh for help.

     Muhammad Soltan Yavar, Abbas Qoli Khan’s paternal uncle’s son gathered some people. He wasn’t talkative and was humble. Although he was wearing military uniform and was brigadier- general, he didn’t like fighting. Although he was proud with being a military person and was always wearing military uniform, he wasn’t fit for the military. The Babis identified and slaughtered him. Receiving the order from the center, first Agha Abdullah, Hajj Mostafa Khan Hezar Jaribi’s brother, came to Sari. Mirza Agha mobilized some guerrillas out of the inhabitations of Sari city and Savad Kouh and some Turkish people living there and went to Ali Abad and attracted some people there, too. Agha Abdullah Taher river along with his troops and went to Lad village. He stayed at Nazar Khan Gerayoli’s house. After resting, he went to Tabarsi castle the following day. They started making strongholds and helical paths as usual. Abdullah Khan left several skillful shooters to go to Afra village which was located near the castle.

     At midnight, the shooter who were from Goudar woke up confused because Babis raided headed by Mulla Hussein and killed a great number of shooters. A young Afgan man who was famous for being brave saw Mulla Hussein suddenly who was killing everybody confronted him. The Afgan youth blocked Mulla Hussein’s path and fought with him. Unfortunately, The young man’s horse feet trapped into a hole and he fell off the ground. At once, Mulla Hussein killed him. Agha Abdullah came  to the killed 30 soldiers and scared the rest. Agha Abdullah who was going lame and had lost his horse had to leave the battle field on foot. He approached a plantation; but Mulla Hussein approached him vary soon and killed him by Sword. Agha Abdullah’s troops escaped and Mulla Hussein’s soldiers followed the governmental troops. Agha Abdulla’s troops went to Afra; but the Babis pursued them.

     “First, they killed the shooters. Then, they murdered women men, the old and young and the kids. Next, the made the village fire and plundered.[12]

     Hearing the news, the people of Mazandaran became afraid of the Babis and left the battle field. Just the governmental troops remained and fought. Hearing the news in Tehran, the young king became furious and fearful especially when the court became aware of Agha Abdullah’s murder and the


    The Qajar prince was dispatched to fight with the Babis

     Naseruddin Shah ordered the prince Mehdi Qoli Mirza entitled Sahamul Molk to be dispatched to Mazandaran to repel the sedition. The price Mehdi Qoli Mirza was Abbas Mirza Nayebussaltaneh’s 20th son. On the lunar month of Moharram, 29th, 1265 A.H. Mehdi Qoli Mirza moved towards Amol from Damavand and Abbas Qoli Khan Larijani decamped towards Amol from Larijan with their troops in order provide more troops and equipments. When the prince Mehdi Qoli Mirza arrived at Zir Ab of Savad Kouh, several Turkish shooters joined him. Then, he approached Osex village –nearly 6 kilometers away from Tabarsi castle- near Ali Abad. He settled in Mirza Saeed’s house waiting for Abbas Qoli Khan. The prince Mehdi Qoli Khan had made a mistake in his evaluated his troops rest. It was winter. It was snowing. The prince’s troops were scattered. At the midnight of the lunar month of Safar, 15th Mullah Hussein gathered with 300 Babis next to the river which was 6 kilometers away from Mehdi Qoli MIrza’s legion. Despite of the sever cold, darkness and the river depth, they passed the river. Mulla Hussein dispatched some people in advance to say to Mehdi Qoli Mirza that we are dispatched by Abbas Qoli Khan the commander of Larijan and Abbas Qoli Khan would come here after a while. They released these deviating expressions among the prince Mehdi Qoli Mirza’s legion and made them relaxed. They were ignorant about this issue that Babis are coming to attack to Osex village. The Babis approached. The watchmen stopped them and asked:

-       Who are you? Where are you going?

Babis answered;

-       We are the commander Larijani’s troops and our commander is following us.

     Mulla Hussein ordered his companion: when you arrived at the prince house, shout the prince has been killed. Mulla Hussein had decided to demoralized the enemy. Then, he headed off towards the prince Mehdi Qoli’s house, when Mulla Hussein and his companions arrived, the saw the door with az. Next, the Babis rushed into the house and grappled with the watchmen. Killing most of them, the made the house fire. The building, fences, a mosque next to it and its people were made fire. Babis put the dead bodies into the fire. The soldiers from Savad Khoh who were out of the house were killed or they escaped

     “The Babis’ methods of clothing and drunken bowls were really horrible. They were wearing long clothings made of canvas and swords and the same hats…[13]

     Meanwhile, most of the troops, king Hussein Mirza who was Khaqan Fath Ali Shah’s son and Davoud Mirza who was Zelussultan’s son were killed and their dead bodies were made fire by the Babis. After murdering and making fire, Mulla Hussein and his companions were to kill Mehdi Qoli Mirza.

     Prince Mehdi Qoli Mira woke up suddenly and jumped when he saw one of the Babis lifting up the wall. Mehdi Qoli Mirza aimed and shouted him. He also killed another person had come into the house. Then, he escaped. The night darkness and the heavy snowfall had astonished the prince in the desert. He didn’t know where to escape. The Babis became disappointed of finding him in the house; but they took everything belonged to the prince.

     After plundering Mehdi Qoli Mirza’s house, the Babis rushed into the village alleys and shouted at the middle of the night in order to make people frightened. The prince troops escaped nervously. They couldn’t even find any opportunity to wear at that cold and snowy weather.

     However Ashraf’s troops displayed deserving bravery. Several of the troops used the walls as their strongholds to defend themselves. As soon as Hajji Muhammad Ali and several Babis saw these people, they went towards them; but Ashraf’s troops shooted the Babis and killed some of them. A bullet was hit to Hajji Muhammad Ali’s mouth and injured it. It prevented him to fight. Fighting continued and Ashraf’s troops repelled and killed the Babis till dawn.

     Although it was really cold in the mountains, nobody could clear himself and the Babis who had plundered all the properties of the villagers and the prince headed off towards Tabarsi castle.

     After escaping and traversing a distance in the mud and snow, Mehdi Qoli Mirza was identified by a mounted person from Mazandaran. He mounted the prince on pillion. They arrived at a cowshed. The mounted man from Mazandaran was announcing the news of the prince’s health wherever he arrived.

     The night, Mehdi Qoli Mirza stayed at Qadiklay and the next day, he headed off towards Sari city. That event made the people of Mazandaran too frightened that most people took their wives and kids from the city to the mountain.

     Mehdi Qoli Mirza ran about to gather an army. He gathered the heads and leaders by propaganda.

     On the other side, Abbas Qoli Kahn arrived from Larijan. He had already provided an army. After being aware of the event, he rested for a while and then moved towards the Tabarsi castle. He surrounded the castle. Because Abbas Qoli Kahn Larijani wasn’t exactly informed of the Babis’ curiosity and proficiency and he had just heard about it wrote a letter for the prince Mehdi Qoli Khan and said he had surrounded the enemy and it didn’t need himto help. If he liked he, could come to watch. Abbas Qoli Kahn hadn’t considered and investigated the enemy’s power and position.

     When Mehdi Qoli Mirza became aware of Abbas Qoli Khan Larijani’s letter, he knew that the has been misgiven and has underestimated the enemy. He thought he would be defeated if he hesitated. Consequently, He ordered Mohsen Kahn Sourti to join and help Abbad Qoli Khan along with his troops and a group of Afgans together with Muhammad Karim Kahn Ashrafi and several shooters when Mohsen Kahn left, the prince Mehdi Qoli Mirza ordered Khalil Kahn Savad Kouhi and a group of Qadikala people to join the combatants of The Tabarsi castle. When the group arrived at the castle and were welcomed and respected by Abbas Qoli Khan, they were surprised by Abbas Qoli Khan’s speech tone saying:

-       I had written for the prince not to need any aid force and I would kill these Babis soon…

     The people of Qadikala had observed Babis in the battle and know they are combative; so they warned Abbas Qoli Khan very much in order for him not to underestimate the Babis and emphasized him to be careful to confront and fight and to provide stronghold, shelter and the like Abbas Qoli Khan got angry and said bumptiously:

     “We never entrench against any troops. The people of Larijan’s rifle-pits are their bodies. The Babis behaviour were added to his pride. They lived in the Tabarsi castle as if nobody was existing. Meanwhile, they were up and down sending some messages concerning asking for forgiveness and security to deceive Abbas Qoli Kahn; and Abbas Qoli Kahn was deceived.

     E’atezad-al-Saltaneh has explained this event in details:

     “… When several days passed, on the night of 10th of the lunar month of Rabi’a-al-Avval, three hours before the sunrise, Mulla Hussein Boshrouyee elected 400 shooters out of the legion and came out of the Tabarsi castle and attacked Abbas Qoli Kahn’s legion from the western gate of the castle and he himself lurked in one side of the legion along several horsemen in order to kill those who wanted to escape. At that time, Abbas Qoli Khan’s legion were sleeping. Suddenly, Babis attacked. The Babis attacked to Savad Kohi and Hezar Jaribi’s legions first, killed them and made all the wooden houses fire.[14]

     When morning arrived, Abbas Qoli Kahn shot secretly, occasionally. Muhammad Saoltan Yavar encouraged people to fight in the field, too. Suddenly, a group of Mulla Hussein’s disciples arrived and Abbas Qoli Kahn thought they were the prince’s legion. He shouted to kill those irreligious people. He was slaughtered at once. Eighty Babis were killed in the conflict.

     After that event, Mulla Hussein who had lurked attack the battlefield.

     Mirza Karim Kahn Ashrafi and Agha Muhammad Kahn Larijani along with several shooters had built a rifle-pit nearly the battlefield in order for the alive people not to be able to escape. Mirza Karim Kahn said to Agha Muhammad Hussein: Look at the horseman who has worn green turban.

     He said that phrase and shot Mulla Hussein.it hit Mulla Hussein’s chest. Agha Muhammad Hussein shot towards Mulla Hussein, too. The bullet hit his stomache. Despite of those two severe injuries, Mulla Hussein didn’t fall off the horse; but he ordered his companions to return. Although Ashrafi’s shooters shot and killed his several companions; but Mulla Hussein wasn’t anxious and said quietly: we must arrive at Tabarsi castle. The prince’s legion couldn’t stand and escaped. There were just Abbas Qoli Kahn with 50 people, Abdullah Kahn with 3 people and Mohsen Kahn with some people outside the battlefield.[15]

     When morning arrived Mirza Karim Kahn climbed a wall and recited the call to prayer in order for somebody from the legion to come out. After hearing the call to prayer; cartridge was traversing seven hundred cubits to fall into the castle. It had destroyed the houses made of wood, motes and brushwood. The bullets from cannon and mortar-shells were shooting into the castle like hails.

     When Hajj Muhammad Ali observed the scene, he came out of Tabarsi castle and resided into the castle earthwork. His companions went into the burrows they had dug. Nobody was hurt due to the cannonade.[16]

     At that time, Ja’far Qoli Khan along with Larestani Hezar Jaribi built a huge tower in the western side of Sheikh Tabarsi fort during three days. In the forth day, his disciples wanted to relax; but the prince ordered them to finish building the rifle-pit because he was in a burry. The soldiers sought asylum to corners because they were exhausted. Ja’far Qoli Khan and Mirza Abdullah headed off into the rifle-pit along with 35 soldiers. Each entered into the tower. The soldiers fell asleep due to fatigue. When the Babis observed their neglect, 200 skillful Babis came out of the moat and rushed shouting. Mirza Abdullah shot and killed two Babis and the Babis killed two soldiers in Mirza Abdullah’s legion. Next, the Babis attacked Ja’far Qoli Khan carrying swords and injured him. He fell into the tower moat.

     The Babis attacked to his nephew, Tahmasb Qoli Khan and cut half of his head. During the conflict, Hajj Muhammad Ali’s soldiers shot over the fort. After killing Tahmasb Qoli Khan and injuring Ja’far Qoli Khan, the Babis went into their fort and found Ja’far Qoli Kahn’s passage into the moat, injured him by an ax and left.

     Meantime, Mirza Abdullah and his companions killed several Babis. When the Babis carried their soldiers’ dead bodies and left, Mirza Abdullah took Ja’far Qoli Kahn out of the moat, carried him to the legion and sent him to Sari city to be cured. Mehdi Qoli Khan said: why did you send him without my permission. Thus, he sent a person to send him back. Due to Ja’far Qoli Khan’s sending and taking back he died at that night.

     Because surrounding Tabarsi fort lasted for four months, the king became angry with Mazandaran people. So, he ordered Soleyman Khan Afshar to proceed toward there along with warlike legion.

     After Soleyman Khan ‘s arrival at Mazandaran, he ordered the Turkish legion to surround the fort. They dug burrows and connected them with the moat and embankment. They made them fire and all the legion rushed at once. Totally, They related one of the burrow under the tower and embankment in the western side. They had dug burrow in the eastern side, too. First, they set on fire the western burrow. Then, they did the same on the eastern one, the legion trumpeted and rushed from four sides. The Babis were repelling everybody who was approaching.[17]

     Mirza Karim Khan Ashrafi attacked to the fort along with a group of Ashraf people. They shot and murdered the legion pioneer. Mirza Karim Khan himself took the flag and approached the tower went bravely. A Babi brought his gun out of the tower to shoot him. Mirza Karim Kahn took the gun, climbed the tower and set up the flag on it, when Mehdi Qoli Mirza observed that few people of his legion had been killed, he ordered his legion to come back. Mirza Karim Khan and Muhammad Saleh Khan returned, too.

     At that time, it was informed that the people in the fort’s provision had finished and they would die due to hunger or be sought refuge. So, the Turkish attacked and surrounded the Babis. In the Babis legion, everybody realized that Hajj Muhammad Ali’s news was false; but nobody could oppose. If a person opposed, he would be killed ordered by Hajj Muhammad Ali. Eventually, the Babis swamped and tried to find a solution. First, Agha Rasoul who was one of the dignitaries of Babis and had 30 soldiers sought quarter. The prince gave him quarter; so he proceeded towards the prince’s legion along with his troops. However, when they approached the legion, one of the people from Larijan shot and killed him without the prince’s permission. The other shooters shot to his 30 soldiers and murder Babi brought his gun out of the tower to shoot him. Mirza Karim Kahn took the gun, climbed the tower and set up the flag on it, when Mehdi Qoli Mirza observed that few people of his legion had been killed, he ordered his legion to come back. Mirza Karim Khan and Muhammad Saleh Khan returned, too.

     At that time, it was informed that the people in the fort’s provision had finished and they would die due to hunger or be sought refuge. So, the Turkish attacked and surrounded that Babis. In the Babis legion, everybody realized that Hajj Muhammad Ali’s news was false; but nobody could oppose. If a person opposed, he would be killed ordered by Hajj Muhammad Ali. Eventually, the Babis swamped and tried to find a solution. First, Agha Rasoul who was one of the dignitaries of Babis and had 30 soldiers sought quarter. The prince gave him quarter; so he proceeded towards the prince’s legion along with his troops. However, when they approached the legion, one of the people from Larijan shot and killed him without the prince’s permission. The other shot to his 30 soldiers and murdered some of them. The surviving soldiers returned to the fort. The babis said: You are apostate for you sought asylum to the enemy. Now, it is necessary for you to be killed. Thus, they killed all of them.

     Then, Reza Kahn the offspring of Muhammad Kahn Mir Akhor who had joined the Babis asked the prince for an opportunity and came to the legion along with two people. The prince left him with Hadi Khan Nouri to keep. A group of Babis along with a legion who were in the trenches asked permission to escape and join their houses.

     During these days, the prince and Abbas Qoli Khan had gone into one of the tower of the fort and Babis were shooting the tower. Incidentally, a bullet passed through tree branches, hit Abbas Qoli’s shoulder and injured him; but he was majestic as before.

     After the incident, Babis’ grass and food supplies finished at once; so that, they ate all grasses they found on the field and ate tree barks as food. They boiled leather things and drank.

     They brought Mulla Hussein’s dead horse out of the ground that had been buried for Mulla Hussein’s magnificence and divided its rotten meat; but they never quit fighting.[18]

     The troops made a fort for themselves in the western side of Sheikh Tabarsi castle. Its moat was ten Zars [unit of length equal to 140 centimeters] width and ten Zars depth. They had built a wooden bridge over the moat. Suddenly, three people of Babis attacked the fort shouting. Mirza Abdullah throw the wooden bridge into the moat because he was afraid. Babis couldn’t pass and returned. However, those three people who were into the fort fought and injured several shooters. One of them went over the fort and shouted. Everybody who was approaching was killed by him. A person from Talesh city were killed, too. After the incident, there weren’t any grass, tree leaves and barks, bones and leather. They couldn’t escape, too. Thus, Babis asked quarter.

     Mehdi Qoli Mirza said: You are secure when you repent and turn to Shiite religion. They wrote a treaty to be sent for Hajj Muhammad Ali. He orderd Hajj Muhammad Ali to provide a house for them. Hajj Muhammad Ali And two hundred Babis were sent to the prince campground. They stayed in the tents had provided for them till dawn. The next day, the prince called uo Hajj Muhammad Ali and several Babi dignitaries. When they arrived at the assembly and sat, they were speaking about religion. Although some of them were hiding their beliefs, they were saying nonsense. Although the prince didn’t ordered them to be killed; but the military individuals who had been suffered from Babis very much and many of them had been killed by them decided to kill them. So, that attacked Babis’ tents. Because the prince couldn’t prevent his troops, he called up the Babis and killed them except for some Babis who escaped to jungles. Rea Khan who was Muhammad Khan Amir Akhor’s son and Mulla Abdul Khaleq’s son and several Babis who were in Hadi Khan Nouri’s house were killed by Sorti and Karijani shooters. Then, he imprisoned Hajj Muhammad Ali and some of the Babi heads. Next, he entered into the Tabarsi fort and wondered about the solidity of forts, embankments, wells and roads which had been built. He gave back the properties which had been plundered by the Babis to the owners and went to Barforoush city.

     Saeedul Ulama and other inhabitants decreed for Hajj Muhammad Ali and Babi dignitaries to be killed. They were all killed in the square of barforoush.[19]


     Zanjan event:

     A roit was arisen headed by Mulla Muhammad Ali Zanjani entitled Hojjat in 1266 A.H.

     Who is Ali Muhammad Zanjani? How did he believed in Bab? How did he became the head of Zanjan sedition?

     Mulla Muhammad Ali Zanjani was born in 1227. His father, Mulla Abdul Rahim Zanjani was one of the scholars of Zanjan city. He was of the students of Saeedul Ulama Mazandarani. He finished his education in Karbala city and came back to Iran.

     In Zanjan city, he issued surprising fatwas very much (such as sperm is clean. Bowing down on crystal is allowable. Being fast successively in three lunar months of Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadan is permissible, supererogatory prayer and Ja’far Tayyar’s prayer are obligatory and etc.); so that the jurisconsult of Zanjan city, wrote a written complaint to Muhammad Shah and complained against him. He was called up to Tehran city. He was restricted in Muhammad Khan Kalantar’s house. Ali Muhammad Bab sent a letter for him and invited him to his faith. He accepted, too.

     After his father’s death, Hojjat went to Zanjan city and taught for 17 years. Because he was a man of greedy of honors, he assigned him




















[1] Ea’tezad-al-Saltaneh, Bab’s sedition, p. 29.

[2] A year among the Iranian people, Edwad Brown, translated by Zabihullah Mansouri, the Iranian cognition assembly, unknown publication date.

[3] Baha’ism in passing history, Moshtaqi, Mahdi, p. 271.

[4] The summary of Nabil Zarandi’s history, p. 330.

[5] Nasekh-al Tavarikh, Vol. 3, p. 241.

[6] Rowzat-al-Safa, Vol. 10, p. 432.

[7] Sayyah personal article, p. 61.

[8] Sayyah personal article, p. 153.

[9] Sayyah personal article, p. 153.

[10] Sayyah personal article, p. 201.

[11] Sayyah personal article, p. 199.

[12] E’tezad-al-Saltaneh, Bab’s sedition, p.37.

[13] Kawakeb-al-Dorriyah, Vol. 17, p. 15.

[14] E’atezad-al-Saltaneh, Bab’s sedition, p. 49.

[15] E’atezad-al-Saltaneh, Bab’s sedition, p. 50.

[16] Rozat-al-Safa, pp. 52 & 53.

[17] Rozat-al-Safa, Vol.10, pp. 54 & 54.

[18]  E’atezad-al-Saltaneh, Bab’s sedition, pp. 56-57.

[19] E’atezad-al-Saltaneh, Bab’s sedition, the explanation and articles are written by Abdul Hussein Navaee, p. 59. 

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