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The Excellency Abdul Baha’s view concerning the unity of human world: “The American white-skinned people are superior to the black skinned ones.”

Thursday, 24 November 2016 10:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



Pay attention to Abdul Baha’s statement and the unity of human world: “The American white-skinned people are superior to the black-skinned ones! Ina trip to America, Abbas Effendi entitled Abdul Baha and the second leader of the Baha’i cult stated strange statements about the black-skinned, in his statements, Abbas Effendi ignored exploiting the Africa black-skinned people by the Americans and purified the savage actions by the westerns and also trading Africa people.


     During his speech in Harward university located at Washington dated 1912/4/23, Abbas Effendi expresses: “I want to tell an issue in order for the white-skinned and for the White-skinned to be kind with the black-skinned ones. If go to Africa to see them, you’ll understand I have advanced so much. Thanks God you are the same as the White-skinned. There isn’t much superiority. However, the African black people are servers. First, freedom for the black people was announced by the American white-skinned. They sacrificed so much to save the black ones. Then, it was expanded to other places. The African black people were extremely captured; but you were saved and this issue made them be saved. That is, the European governments followed the American one. For this reason, the general freedom was announced for you. Consequently, you must be thankful of the American white-skinned people. Additionally, the white-skinned must be kind with you in order to progress in the human accomplishments. You must try in company to progress dramatically in general, you must be thankful of the American white-skinned because they caused you to be free!...[1]

     To answer to the tendentious statements by Abbas Effendi, we will investige two notes:

     The first note:

     The black-skinned people of Africa were free for one hundred but one thousand years like other worldwide nations. They were also civilized and cultured. These kind and civilized white-skinned European and American people!!! Invaded the black Africa people’s lands forcefully and deceptively, captured them wildly to be their slaves.

     Thus, why did the European and Americans tyrannize the black Africans and destroy their resources and plunder their houses forcefully?[2]

     The second note: Exactly when Abbas Effendi was paly his role as the proselytizing agent of the white-skinned, not only in America but also in the European countries even in black Africa, the black-skinned were discriminated and considered as the second grade citizens.[3] Abdul Baha’s statements concerning the American justice in interesting when, according to Baha’is confess, the discrimination in America was the highest![4]




     Since the beginning of the year 2016, to May, 2016, the wild police of America have murdered 71 black-skinned people.






[1] Abbas Effendi, the sermons, Vol.2, pp. 141-142.

[2] Dr. Abdul Hadi Haeri, the contemporary researcher, concerning the crimes of the western Colonial governments such as America in Africa has a shocking and documented discussion; Abdul Hadi Haeri, the first confrontation of the Iranian thinkers with two-sided western civilization, pp. 65-74.

[3] Regarding the violent discrimination of the English with the south African people, studying this book is suggested; Ruth First, the South Africa (the west’s investment in Apartheid), translated by Ali Keshtgar, pp. 41-47.

[4] Badayeul Athar (Abdul Baha’s travel story to Europe and America), p. 37, also Vol. 1, p. 62, also Vol. 1, p. 388.

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