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Neyriz fort

Monday, 09 January 2017 17:13 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

     One of the other instances of using violence by Baha’ism happened in Neyriz city, Fars province after the bloody clashes in Tabarsi fort and Zanjan city. Of course, the details of the conflict haven’t mentioned in history.

     Edward Brown says in this regard: In the summer, 1850 A.D. when surrounding Zanajn city was advancing another Bibi riot (revolt) happened in Neyriz, south of Iran. The government that was alerted had decided to eradicate the Babi revolt. Bab who had been condemned to three years of imprisonment in Makou and Chehriq fort couldn’t practically and directly be assumed to be in the charge of tendency towards the probable armed resistance by his followers. Anyway, the government considered him as the source of the teachings which had made all the Iranian empire tense and decided to kill him. They assumed all the revolt will be collapse by his death. The day when the execution verdict was to execute, Neyriz riot and several weeks later Zanjan riot were repressed by the central troops of the government.[1]

     Seyyed Yahya Darabi (born: 1189, Yazd city- died: 1228, Neyriz) was one of the followers of the book “Bayan” and one of the relatives of Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab. He was entitled “Wahid” by Bab and killed during Babi revolt in Neyriz.

     His father was Seyyed Ja’far Kashfi Darabi entitled Kashaf. He was Abu Ishaqa’ –known as Ayatullah Kashfi Darabi- offspring. Ayatullah Kashfi Darabi was one of the scholars of Shiite school in 13th century and had written the book n:baladul Amin” concerning principles and the book “Ejabatul Moztarin concerning beliefs and the book “Mining tradition and the book “Sana Wa Barq” regarding the prayer and several epistles. Seyyed Hussein Broujerdi the author of the book “Nokhbatul Maqal was one of Seyyed Ja’far’s students.

     An anecdote narrated by Abbas Effendi:

     P, 20:

     “One day, Abbas Effendi narrated a story for us that when he was a little kid, he had sat on Qorratul Ein’s knee when she was speaking with her mother, Asiyeh. The door of the room was half-open. Seyyed Yahya Darabi’s voice was heard discussing with her father… Qorratul Ein, the fearless and pretty poet addressed Wahid with her echoing and incisive voice and said: “O’ Seyyed. Now isn’t a suitable time for discussing about traditions. Now is the time for action. The speech days have passed. This is the time for you to display you are the man of action if you are brave, display a sign of magnanimity. Call day and night that the promised evangelist has come, the promised Imam has come.”

     However, Darabi continued his policy of being conservative. After Tabarsi events, Bab sent a message for Baha and Darabi in order to us another person  and to send another athlete to the battlefield.

     “Yahya Darabi” had been dispatched by “Ali Muhammad Shirazi” to Yazd and Neyriz to defend Babism. After Sheikh Tabarsi fort events, Babis and Yahya a Darabi became nervous. Ali Muhammad Shirazi who had been imprisoned in Chehriq prison was thinking of another sedition and violent actions to compensate such great calamity and also to make himself free from the prison. After losing Mulla Hussein Boshrouyee and Qoddous and Qorattul Ein’s and many other disciples imprisonment, it was the time for Yahya Darabi to be exploited, while Ali Muhammad Shirazi was passing his last days of his life.

     The continuation of the story from Nabil’s history, p, 482:

     “Then, he went to Yazd city and the friends became cheerful due to his arrival. He was in Yazd city for the new year celebration… The renowned scholars and the city dignitaries welcomed him. There was a person in Yazd city known as Nawwab Razavi who acted like an enemy with the Excellency Wahid… He didn’t please when he observed that the dignitaries welcomed the Excellency Wahid warmly. He said… I think you celebrate another celebration except the Howrouz one… The Excellency Wahid replied him firmly; so that the audience laughed…

     In the book “Bab’s sedition”, E’tezadussaltaneh writes in this regard: “After his arrival, he invited the people to Yazd city; but he wasn’t successful. Then, he headed off towards Fars province. In Fasa city, Fars, he invited people to Bab’s religion. The people of that city narrated the event for Fars ruler in details: Seyyed Yahya has come to the city and seduced people.

     Nasirul Molk Mirza Fazlullah Ali Abadi who was in charge of Fars ministration wrote for Seyyed Yahya and Summended him to come to Fars. Seyyed Yahya wrote back: “What you have attributed to me is false accusation and I’ll come to you.”

     Several days passed. He was announced from Fasa city again that five hundred devoted men collaborated with Seyyed Yahya and a great sedition will be raised soon. Next, Nasirul Molk sent a person to him. When the person arrived, Seyyed Yahya went from Fasa city to Neyriz. The people of Neyriz city assumed Seyyed Yahya’s arrival as an auspice and joined him sincerely.

     Seyyed Yahya landed in a ruined fort near Neyriz city with his three hundred disciples. He built a fort and solidified the towers. Then, he wrote for Nasirul Molk the story. Then, Nasirul Molk wrote for Seyyed Yahya to quit exciting a sedition and bloodshed and to come to Shiraz city. He also wrote back: A group of people disobey the government. If they have let alone, they will surely raise a sedition and disturbance soon. Send several people to take me to Shiraz city.

     Next, after he sent back Nasirul Molk’s envoy, he got ready to fight that night. He ordered to surorise ZeynulAbedin Khan by night. His disciples attacked to Neyriz shouting and drawing swords. They killed Ali Askar Khan, Zeinul Abedin Khan’s elder brother, with a group of dignitaries . zeynul Abedin Khan escaped. They plundered Ali Akbar Khan and Zeynul Abedin Kahn’s properties. The people of Neyriz city turned to Seyyed Yahya sincerely.

     When Nosratudduleh Firouz Mirza who was the then ruler of Fars city was informed of the event, he sent a legion equipped with cannons and arsenals to Neyriz city. Seyyed Yahya got ready to fight while he had deployed next to his fort with his disciples who were ready to attack. He said: “Be sure, the legion won’t be successful having cannons and guns. “The legion appeared. They shot a cannon ball to Seyyed Yahya’s tent. The tent was crumbled and a person was killed standing next to the tent. They found out that the cannon attendant doesn’t obey Seyyed Yahya’s order. So, Seyyed Yahya went into the fort to be protected, Mostafa Khan Qoli Khan wanted to make peace among them; but he wasn’t successful.

      Seyyed Yahya wrote some words on some torn papers and hung on his disciples’ necks and said: You are safe and sound against the heavenly and primed three hundred people to surprise by night. They attacked to the battlefield and fought from midnight to dawn. Mastafa Qoli Kahn’s legion attacked. Seyyed Yahya’s one hundred and fifty strengths were murdered. They carried their dead disciples to the fort. Those torn papers were vain.

     When  people realized that Seyyed Yahya was cunning, they escaped and went to their homes. After three days, Seyyed Yahya’s disciples attacked the bottleful again to surprise them by night. The legion attacked Seyyed Yahya’s disciples with cannons and guns; so they escaped to the fort.

     Next, Nosrattudduleh sent Wali Khan Silakhori along with a troop to help Neyriz legion. Before Wali Kahn’s arrival, Seyyed Yahya accepted to compromise because Seyyed figured out that his disciples were weak in their beliefs and also Mostafa Qoli Khan suggested them to make peace. Seyyed Yahya quit fighting and headed off towards the governmental camp along with five people. In the camp, Mehr Ali Khan Shojaul Molk Nouri and Zeynul Abedin Kahn hosted him. Seyyed Yahya stayed there for three days and nights. Mostafa Qoli Khan respected him and said: “It is better for you to your house in Neyriz city to rest in order for people to see you and quit fighting. Seyyed Yahya accepted the idea and went towards his house along with one of Mostafa Qoli Khan’s disciples. Zeynul Abedin Kahn and other commanders decided and suggested Seyyed Yahya to write a letter for the literary people to leave the fort and go to their homes because the literary people hadn’t surrendered yet. Seyyed Yahya didn’t like at heart; but he had to write the letter because he was dominated by the Islam troops. However, he wrote another letter: Don’t leave the fort and don’t be scattered. Seyyed gave the two letters to Hajji Seyyed Abed who was one of his fans and advised him to tear first letter in the middle of the way and to give the second one to the literary people. Nevertheless, Hajji Seyyed Abed informed the event to Zeynul Abedin Khan. He took the first letter to the fort that event, Zeynul Abedin Kahn and his disciples killed Seyyed because Seyyed’s craft was discovered. They revenged; so that, a man from Islam legion called Abbas Qoli along with several people including Agha Kahn, Ali Askar Kahn’s son whose relatives had been killed by Seyyed Yahya and his disciples took out Seyyed Yahya’s turban and coiled around his neck and fastened him to a horse and turned him round the alleys while drum and tambourine were being played and women were dancing. Then they cut his head and filled it with straw and sent it to Shiraz city.[2]

     Some his fans were killed in Neyriz city and the rest were murdered in Shiraz city. His two kids were sent to Broujerd city to live with their grandfather. The date of his death is different. In the translation of Sayyah article (compiled by Abdul Baha, translated by Brown, p, 253) the date of his death has been written: the lunar month of Sha’ban, 27; that is, the date of Bab’s death. However, in the book “Mojmel”, p, 17, it has been written: Sha’ban, 28; that is, a day after Bab’s death.

     After Seyyed Yahya’s death, the Babis of Neyriz city were waiting for revenge. When Firouz Mirza was deposed and Tahmasb Mirza Moa’yyed-al-Doleh was appointed, they killed Zeynul Abedin Kahn in bathroom Shabbily. Then, they resisted against a troop that had come there from Shiraz to repress. Nevertheless, the governmental troop coerced them. Three large woolen sacks full of their heads were sent to Shiraz city. The heads were to be sent to Tehran city; but in the middle of the way in Abadeh city they were ordered from Tehran city to bury the heads there.[3]

     Despite of all continuouse cares by the governmental troops, the Babis came out of their savageries. For instance, the Babis came out of their residence and went to Neyriz city, one night. They slaughter thirty people in Sadat district making an excuse that their women had desecrated Seyyed Yahya’s dead body.

     During the war between the Babi and governmental troops 500 to 600 Babis were killed.[4]






















[1] Stenstrand’s, August J and Edward G Brown. “Babism”. Muhammad Abdullah al-Ahari. Daltaban Peyrevi. In the complete call To The Heaven Of The Bayan. Chicago: Magribine Press, 2006. 200. ISBN ISBN:1-56316-953-3.

[2] Nicola book, p, 40.

[3] Kawakeb-al-Dorriyeh, p.215 and 216.

[4] Muhammad Husseini, Nusratullah; the Excellency Bab, the Baha’i learnings institute, p. 517.

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