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The Excellency Nouri Zadeh, be worry about your Arab Lords

Wednesday, 11 January 2017 16:47 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

     Bahaismiran: Iran Farda network is deviating and proselytizing counter against preaching the deviant tendency towards cults in Iran in the form of its favorites style.

     The Saudi Arabia and Zionism are two poles which support and have supported the tendency towards cults. In their common operation, they have tried to create various obstacles and problems in the Islamic countries. The trend of collation against Islam and Islamophobia have been planned by the Saudi Arabia and the Zionists in which each measure to achieve the goal is limitless to such an extent that they have employed the Excellency Nouri Zadeh.
     These activities have started by killing the sinless people to preaching cultive, Salafi, deviative thoughts.

     The “Iran Farda” network has tried to preach its media proselytizing in favor of the deviant cult of Baha’ism by claiming the violation of the Baha’i right in Iran in the program called “A window facing the paternal house”.

     In the meantime, a person called Ali Reza Nouri Zadeh claims and supports the deviant cult of Baha’ism and says: The Iranian government is worried about its political conditions; that’s why the Iranian government collates the Baha’ism. However, the main reason for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s collate against the deviant cult of Baha’ism heads is that Baha’ism is trying to destroy Islam and the Islamic beliefs.

     It is interesting to be noted that Nouri Zadeh says in this report admiring and praising Baha’ism:

     “A group of people in our country are the followers of a faith called Baha’i. a new religion and a new faith which is 150 years old. The Islamic Republic regime is its main enemy because it is afraid of the Baha’i preach. While, if we investigate the issue concerning the cultural and human dimension, these people’s Kiblah is Shiraz, Iran. These people’s meeting aren’t for preaching Baha’ism. I have gone to one of these meetings in Chicago. The meeting was about literature, poem, culture, music and human rights. They were discussing about these issues. They held conference during these two or three days. It was about literature and culture. Bravo. Your youth are resisting on their beliefs.”


     The Excellency Nouri Zad, you claim to be an open-minded. Do you know that during the Pahlavi’s period of time  Dr. Ayadi who was the second Pahlavi’s intimate friend and was a Baha’i di every action against the Muslim people of Iran. How is it possible for the Iranian people to forget the treacheries and malices of the heads of the deviant cult of Baha’ism. Followers of this cult is living in Iran now. We can’t stand some of the deeds done by the servants of this cult which is similar to slaughtered animals inside of our country. We can’t tolerate insulting the Lord of the martyrs (P.H.) on Ashoora day, 1388. We don’t have any problem with the Baha’is who want to live under the laws and rules of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Nevertheless, the Excellency open-minded, if a person insults all the sacred of the Muslim people or acts out of the Iranian laws, s/he will be reacted firmly and severely.



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