Iwal village, a crime like the English style

Tuesday, 14 March 2017 17:26 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

       Fifty Baha’i families’ houses were set fire by the Muslims!

     This was the title of a news which must be published in the media extensively according to a planned program. However, the adventure:

     Earlier the solar month of Tir , 1389, the Baha’ism organization started the scenario of Iwal village catching fire. It described the details of the event so skillfully out of which BBC network made a long documentary film: Where are human beings? The Baha’is houses were set fire. Then, they published declarations continually of defend the Baha’is and to condemn the system of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

     Because the Baha’ism organization is based on proselytizing, the organization forces several Baha’i families to go to different cities and villages to proselytize the false creed. The process is true about Iwal village. Several years before the Islamic Revolution, the Baha’i organization ordered the some Baha’i families, headed by “Abdul Baqi Rohani” to settle in Iwal village and start their jobs.

     “Qasem Ali NOuriyan who is one of the residents of Iwal village and a member of the village council says about the serious presence of Baha’is in Iwal village:

     “I was of young before the revolution. Our fathers and grandfathers have narrated about the Baha’is tyranny in the village. Since 1330 S.H., we have celebrated 15the of Sha’ban nights. When the Baha’is entered into the village, they broke our megaphones and flags.”

     Baha’is tyrannized the village residents too much. Every Tuesday night, they held an assembly and encouraged the youth to become Baha’is. The Baha’i ladies had the worst cover in order to deviate the youth. They even direct the sewing system towards the only spring of the village. Of course, because spying was their permanent job, they spied for the Pahlawi regime and snared the Muslim youth.

     Four or five Baha’i families who were living in the village were going to make the 10 Muslim families resided in the village Baha’i; but they didn’t have any Muslim proselytizer. For this reason, they went to Sangar city, Semnan, on foot one winter night to take a proselytizer. The Baha’i proselytizer debated the Muslim one all over the night and eventually he surrendered and escaped at dawn.

     Due to the blessed Islamic Revolution, the village became purified out of the polluted Baha’is. Those five Baha’i families –not fifty ones- have escaped and abandoned their mud and straw houses for thirty years. Their houses have been destroyed by the natural factors such as wind, rain and snow by the passage of time.

     During this period of time several Baha’i ex-residents of the village went to the village to know whether the Muslims have faked possession of their houses or land or not in order to oppose and announce the human rights organizations. Muslims didn’t let them achieve their ominous aims, too. The Muslim people of the village believed that the Baha’i were unclean and their money were illegitimate. They even didn’t let themselves to pass the Baha’is lands and properties. When the Baha’i families observed the situation, they sold their houses and left the village.

     Several years ago, one the Baha’ism organization activist came to the village along with some other Baha’is and started making a film. They shot pictures of the houses destroyed by the erosion to send for their human rights friends to defend their rights. When they were leaving the village, the villagers realized their aims. Cooperating with people, police could detain the film.

     The planned again. They said the Muslim residents of Iwal village have set 50 Baha’i houses fire. It is important to be noted that several years ago they claimed the Muslims have destroyed the Baha’i houses. A liar should have a good memory.

     There is a faint board on which it is written “O’Allah, hasten for Imam Mahdi’s (P.H.) reappearance”. It says: The residents of Iwal village are Muslims and Shiites and they glory in being Shiite.




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