During the three recent centuries, The Zionists presented 90 percent of the forged religion to the world

Saturday, 01 April 2017 13:08 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Hussein Ansariyan, the master of theological school made a speech and said: “According to the holy Quran verses, the religion consists of piety, sentiment and kindness.

     Hojjatul Islam Ansariyan continued: “The religion of Islam is the good deed tree whose root is monotheism and whose branches are heavenly.”

     Pointing out the differences between the man-made religions and the religion of Islam, Ansariyan stated: “The man-made religions are being made and then being destroyed in contrary to the religion of Islam.”

     The interpreter of the holy Quran continued: “Nietzsche, Marx, Darwin, Freud, Lenin have been emerged with their made religions and have misled many people and made them hellish; but none of their religions survived.”

     He continued: “Such religions have existed in our country such as Puritanism from Kasrawi, Baha’ism from Ali Muhammad Bab, Sufism from Abdul Rahman Jami.”

     Hussein Ansariyan continued: “These forged and made humane religions are impure, to God. They have been originated form the evil thoughts.”

     He expressed: “There are more than 200 religions ended in “ism” whose inventors were Christians and Jews. During 3 recent centuries the Zionists presented 90 percent of the made religions to the world.”

     The clergyman Ansariyan expressed: “The holy prophet (P.H.) stated about the religion of Islam: The religion of Islam resembles a permanent tree which is eternal till the day of judgment. Its origin consist of beliefs. The prayer is its trunk and Alms tax and Quint are its water. Fasting is its branches and good temper is its leaves. No tree will be completed except fruit and it is prohibiting from the divine illegitimacies.



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