Preaching Atheism?! (Part 1)

Tuesday, 11 April 2017 10:11 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 It is stated in the book “Aqdas” that Bahaullah introduces his grave as the Baha’is Kiblah and the Baha’i dignitaries have decreed so based on the sentence. The Baha’is theological deeds are done towards the Kiblah; while all divine religions invite people top monotheism. No prophet has been so far seen to invite people to his grave.

     As you know, each religion has introduced a special way worshipping .

     In the religion of Islam, prayer and several worship must be performed towards Kiblah. In contrast with all divine teachings in which the bases of paying attention are towards God, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri has made the Baha’is hearts pay attention to himself and has said: “When you will to pray, turn your faces towards the holy place. God has appointed it as a place for         .[1]” According to this issue, Muhammad Ali Ghaemi says in the book “Dorousuddianah”[2]: “The Blessed Garden is the Kiblah for Baha’is in Aka city. At the time of praying, we stand towards the blessed garden.[3]

     The almighty God states in the holy Quran:


وَلِلهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَ المَغْرِبُ فَاَیْنَما تَوَلُّوا فَتَّمَ وَجْهُ اللهِ اِنَّ اللهَ واسِعٌ عَلیم  (البقره / 115)


     “Unto Allah belong the East and the West, and whither- soever ye turn, there is Allah’s countenance. Lo! Allah is All Embracing, All knowing.”

      In the religion of Islam, Kiblah is paying attention to God not a person.

     There are two notes regarding this issue:

1)   All divine religions invite people to monotheism and consider bowing down for others as illegal; but Baha’ism has invited people to atheism by determining Bahaullah’s grave as kiblah.

2)   No prophet has invited people to bow down himself and considered his grave as Kiblah.




[1] Hussein Ali Nouri, Aqdas, page 7.

[2] This book is the first Baha’is Moral book.

[3] Muhammad Ali Ghaemi, Dorousuddiyanah, Electronic copy, lesson 19, p. 28.

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