Ali Muhammad Bab was illiterate!!!

Sunday, 30 April 2017 17:15 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



One of the divine traditions of in sending prophets is that they possessed the divine science and they hadn’t learned the human sciences. So, the prophet of Islam was called illiterate. The Excellency Ali Muhammad Shirazi has also posed this claim on page 9 of Adlieyeh book like his claim for prophet hood: “I grow up in Iran and I wasn’t trained; but I was merely illiterate.”

     The Excellency Abdul Baha says: “The holy lights can’t be trained. Others must learn. All divine resources were so. The Excellency Moses, Jesus … The Excellency Bab and Bahaullah never went to any school.


     In the book “the summary of Nabil Zarandi’s history which is the most important Baha’i one it has been stated on pp. 63 and 64.

     “The Excellency was taken to Sheikh Abed… The Sheikh Abed was a virtuous man who was one of Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and Seyyed Kazem Rashti’s pupils…”

     Mataleul Anwar (Arabic) p. 159:

     Mirza Abul Fazl Golpaygani (the great Baha’i proselytizer) has written in his book:

     “Bab entered in Sheikh Abed school when he was 6 or 7 years of age and known as “Qahweh Ouliya”. Bab learned the Persian rudiments for 5 years. He came back to Shiraz city at the beginning of Rabiul Awwal 1257A.H. after being resided in Karbala and Najaf cities for 7 months.

     The Excellency Bab himself says about his childhood memoirs in the book “Arabic Bayan” p. 25:

     “Tell, O’Muhammad, my teacher. Don’t hit me… and when you wanted to do so, don’t hit more than five ones…”

     This memoirs shows that Seyyed Bab has participated at classes and has had bad memoirs of his teacher.

     Fazel Mazandarani, the famous Baha’i proselytizer mentions the following cases in the 3rd part of the book “the history of right emergence”:

Page 97 mentions Bab’s attendance at Seyyed Kazem’s class in Karbala.

On page 200 and 437, he refers to two historical documents regarding this issue that Ali Muhammad had participated at Kazem Rashti’s several classes in Karbala.

     The writer has written several writings of Seyyed Bab in the book “Asrarul Athar” in which he has called Seyyed Kazem Rashti as “teacher “:

On pages 61 and 62, Vol. 2: “It has been written: He mentions his teacher’s death; that is, Hajj Seyyed Kazem Rashti.”

     Consequently, it got clear that the claim for Bab to be illiterate is a false one based on the historical documents and evidence and; thus, he could be sent as the divine prophet because he didn’t possessed the divine science. So, he claim concerning being prophet.







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