The divine cult of Baha’ism attempt in Pakistan

Sunday, 07 May 2017 08:04 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

 The ignorance of Pakistani attendants and the cultural people in charge’s neglect



The meaningful attendance of the minister of religious affairs and the parliament representative of Pakistan in the Baha’is celebration has intensified the deviant cult of Baha’ism activities in this Islamic country.

     Undoubtedly, supporting a group which consider the holy prophet’s religion as the abolished one is the most outstanding sample of insulting the holy prophet’s (P.H.) prophet hood. Definitely, everybody is aware of the deviant beliefs of Baha’ism. Because the center of the deviant cult of Baha’ism is located at the Zionistic regime, it is simply clear that it is quite supported by the by the Zionistic regime.

     It is obvious that it is surprising that how Baha’ism has been able to enter this country to such as extent and to make “Pir Amin Al-Hasanat, the minister of religious affairs and “Asiyeh Naser”, the parliment representative of Pakistan to hold its so-called Redwan feast; although Pakistan is the most religious country in the Islamic world and it is the country in which no cult can reject the prophet hood and finality of the holy prophet.

     It seems that then reason is that the Baha’ism thought is unknown in Pakistan.

     The following is some Baha’ism beliefs and the fetwas by some Sunni scholars:

1)   The founder of the cult is “Hussein Ali Nouri” who claimed many position for himself including divine position and prophet hood.

2)   They believe that Hussein Ali Baha is God and after him, Abbas Effendi has become God.

3)   Baha is Bab and the previous prophet’s tiding; that is, Seyyed Ali Muhammad Shirazi has been the announcer of Bahaullah’s good news.

4)   Bahaullah is unique and he doesn’t have any partner because he is the one whom God has manifested.

5)   Baha’ism is better than the previous religions and other religions are abolished by Baha’s manifestation.

6)   The religion of Islam was valid before Bahaullah. The holy Qura’n doesn’t have any miracle. It has been abolished by Bab.

7)   Bahaullah is a miracle because he could compose the Persian and Arabic tablets without going to school.

8)   The Baha’i faith will change after 1000 years.

9)   Baha’ism has rejected the prophets’ miracles, angels, Jinns, paradise and hell.

10) Baha’ism believes that Bab’s religion has abolished the religion of Muhammad (P.H.)

11) Getting married with close relatives such as mother and daughter is allowable.

     Al-Azhar Fetwa:

 Baha’ism is a cult and an apostate group from Islam.

 Shaykh Muhammad Tantawi’s fetwa:




    “Baha’i group in Egypt to be considered as “outside the folds of Islam and the teachings of the heavenly religions. It is a deviant group which should not spread its venom in the Islamic societies. Baha’ism is diametrically opposite to the Islamic Shariah and it is just not possible for anyone to consider Baha’ism as a religion.”


  Fetwa of Al-Sheykh bin Bazz:




     Baha’is are Kafirs and it is not permissible to bury them in the Muslim graveyards because anyone who claims to be a prophet after our prophet Muhammad (P.H.) is a liar and a disbeliever according to the texts of Sharee’ah and the consensus of the Muslims, and because this is disbelief in the words of Allah:

     “Muhammad isn’t the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last (end) of the prophets“ (Al-Ahzab 33/40)


وَ ما کانَ مُحَمَّدٌ اَبا اَحَدٍ مِنْ رِجالِکُمْ وَ لکِن رَسُولَ اللهِ وَ خاتِمُ النَّبِییّنَ (احزاب/ 40)


     Concerning Pakistan




     This country is such a religious one in which the followers of “Ahmad Qadiyani” were banned to be active there. Now, how is it possible for Baha’ism to be penetrated in Pakistan?

     It is interesting to be noted that the parliament representative of Pakistan has congratulated Baha’is for Redwan feast while he is one of the Islamic scholars of Islam?


     It is obvious that the wise confrontation against this issue by Iran and Pakistan can block the deviant cult of Baha’ism way in both countries.

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