prophets who possessed the divine Science. Thus, he has posed the claim including!
He writes in the letter for Naseruddin shah:
” ما قَرئتُ ما عِندَ النّاسِ مِنَ العُلُومِ وَ ما دَخَلتُ المَدارِسَ. فَسئَلِ المَدینَةَ الَّتی کُنتُ فیها لِتُوقِنَ بِأنّی لَستُ مِنَ الکاذبین ”
I have Studied no humane sciences and gone to no school .You can ask my Citizens to Know I have told the truth . (The personal article Sayyah p.117)
The Excellency Fazel Mazandarani has narrated from the Excellency Bahaullah p.119 . vol . 1. The book Asaraul Athar :
” إنّا ما قَرَئنا کُتُبَ القَومِ و ما أطلَعنا بِما عِندَهُم مِنَ العُلُومِ. کُلَّما أرَدنا أن نَذکُرَ بَیاناتِ العُلَماءِ وَ الحُکَماءِ یَظهَرُ ما ظَهَر فِی العالَمِ وَ ما فِی الکُتُبِ وَ الزُّبُرِ فی لوحٍ أمامَ وَجهِ رَبِّکَ نَری وَ نَکتُبُ ”
Surely ,we didn’t study people’s books and we aren’t aware of their Sciences .When we wanted the remind the sage’s words , everything in the world books became clear. We saw and write them ,too .
The Baha’is try to prove that Bahaullah has been illiterate and possessed the divine science .
While investigating the Excellency Bahaullah proves that this statement is on idle talk and he has directly studied the book. His Sciences have been acquired and aren’t divine.
There are several evidence :
1) Awareh writes in the book Kawakebuddorieh, vol.1, pp. 2S6-7.
When he Started reading and writing in childhood he increased his importance. when he got mature he introduced himself in ministers and dignitaries assemblies by his wisdom and making speech .
2) It is written in the book Iqan , p. 143 regarding Hajj Karim Khan Kermani:
I don’t like to read other people’s books. When I was asked .I had to read a bit to answer. I couldn’t find his Arabic books !Once ,a person announced me to find one of his books called Ershad –al Uloum. I Studied the book two times .The issue was about the holy prophet’s ascension to heaven.
The Excellency Bahaullah had to refer to Hajj Karim Khan Kermani and read it twice to answer a question. How is it possible for him to possess the divine science!!!
3) In the book Shattieh p.285 and the book Rahiq Makhtoum, p.330, part 4 the heavenly food it has been written :
« هُوَ الَّذی خَلَقَکُم وَ رَزَقَکُم أفَلا تُبصِرُون وَ هُوَ الَّذی أنبَتَ مِنَ الأرضِ نَباتاً حَسَناً أفَلا تُؤمِنُون وَ أنزَلَ مِنَ السَّماءِ ماءً أفَلا تَشکُرُون وَ خَلَقَ السَّمواتِ وَ الأرضَ وَ ما بَینَهُما وَ أسکَنَ الجِبالَ! فَضلاً مِن عِندِهِ وَ قَلیلاً مِنکُم ما تَفقَهُون! ”
Why does the Excellency Bahaullah writes the Waly Caurah verses wrong while he claims to be illiterate ??!!!
According to the above -mentioned Cases ,The Excellency Bahaullah didn’t possess the Science because if he possessed , he Could See the Arabic because Hajj Karim Khan .why did he borrow the book Ershadul Awam? Why did he read it twice and etc.