The justification of a crime and betrayal!!!

Friday, 19 May 2017 16:57 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 “Did the Baha’is have a good relationship with the Pahlavi regime?” it is the name of an article published in the social networks related to the Baha’ism organization. The author of the article claimed that not only the Baha’is didn’t have any role in the Pahlavi government; but also they were tyrannized, too. However, it is impossible the Baha’ism influence in Pahlavi regime and their cooperation with the crimes to be rejected.

     The author of the article has added: “Although the government must respect such people, the Baha’is have been misused due to their social feature. Consequently, it can be said that the first Pahlavi government had illogical behavior with the Baha’is and the second Pahlavi had a false and unfair one with them. Doubtlessly, the author of the article investigated the first and second Pahlavis’ behaviors with the Baha’is and claimed: “It should be said that Reza Shah considered the religious independence of Baha’is as the inconsistent with the government method and his monopolistic thought and acted against the Baha’is. However, the second Pahlavi was a difficult period for the Baha’is in comparison with the first Pahlavi social behaviors…”

     Nevertheless, contrary to what the Baha’is are going to reject; the Baha’ism movement in the Pahlavi government period has had a close relationship with Pahlavi court. Doubtlessly, it can assumed the Pahlavi government era as the firm presence of Baha’ism in the Iranian government. The Baha’is presence at the sensitive and important government posts and the Pahlavi regime’s trust on them are obvious evidence for close relationships between Baha’is and the Pahlavi regime. There isn’t any difference between the first and second Pahlavi regimes because both of them assigned sensitive country posts to the Baha’is.

     The first Pahlavi: Reza Khan Pahlavi trusted Baha’is very much and wasn’t afraid of the Baha’is influence in the government pillars. Hussein Fardoust writes in his diary: “The Major Saniee was a Baha’i. Later on, he became lieutenant general and the he got was minister for a while. His appointment as the special adjutant of the prince indicates Reza Khan’s trust on Baha’is and the extent of their influence on the governmental system of government.” the Excellency Ali Muhammad Khan Mouqerudduleh was one of the Baha’i statesmen during Reza Khan’s government.

     The second Pahlavi: Fardoust states about trusting on Baha’is and their ranks in the Pahlavi government: “… Muhammad Reza was quite aware of the Baha’ism organization specially the presence of the Baha’i people at important and sensitive government posts…”

     It is surprising that the Baha’is reject their influence on the Pahlavi regime and claim to be oppressed during the Pahlavi period of time.


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