Abdul Baha and making divinity of Hussein Ali Baha clear!

Saturday, 13 May 2017 19:37 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


One of the fundamental principles of the divine religions is believing and being bound over monotheism of the Almighty God. The man-made prophet of Baha’is has introduced himself as the God of the world and Abbas effendi as his verse interpreter has made this atheism principle clear!

     Of course, the Baha’is man-made prophet has claimed that he is the God creator. (Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Vol. 2, pp. 254-255)

     It is interesting to be noted that the leaders of the cult have justified, clarified and explained their prophet divinity claim. In this regard, the justifications by Abbas Effendi regarding this issue can be refered; while, Baha’is introduce their creed to be based on monotheism!

     One of the principles of Ibrahim religions is believing in monotheism. Monotheism is the most earnest principles and rudiments of the theological system of Islam. It is impossible for God’s attributed to be recognized. Consequently, there are many verses in the holy Quran emphasizing God’s unity.


وَ ما اَرْسَلْنا مِنْ قَبْلِکَ مِنَ الرَّسولٍ الاّ نُوحی اِلیهِ اِنَّهُ لااِله الا اَنَا فَاعْبُدُونِ (انبیا/25)

     And we sent no messenger before the but we inspired him, (saying): There is no God save Me, so worship Me.


     More surprisingly, The Excellency Abdul Baha emphasizes Hussein Ali Baha’s divinity claim: “Don’t be disappointed this is hope day and God’s century. His divinity fame has expanded from the south to the north. “(Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Kordistanul Elmieh publication, 1328 A.H., Vol. 1, p. 225). He also has called Hussein Ali Baha as the owner of the universe: “You had asked me in verse 30, chapter 14 from John’s book in which the Jesus Christ has said: I won’t speak with you anymore because the owner of the world will come. The owner of the world is the Blessed Beauty (Hussein Ali Nouri). (Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: Farajullah Zakiul Kordi, 1921, Vol. 3, p. 404).

     As you have observed and paid attention, Abbas Effendi as the interpreter of the verses of the man-made prophet of Baha’is have over and over emphasized his father’s divinity. (Refer to Yonos Khan Afroukhteh, the 9-years memoirs, Bija; the national institute of the faith press, 1339 A.H., p. 107)


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