Recognizing Redvan feast has resulted in Chaos!

Tuesday, 06 June 2017 09:27 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Redvan feast days have special conditions by the leaders of the Baha’ism cult. 1st to 12th of Ordibehesht is a period of time during which the s0-called prophet of Baha’ism has expressed his invitation openly. According to the Baha’ism leaders’ orders, Baha’is have been prevented doing each kind of job during this period of time. However, preforming such verdict will lead to the extensive chaos in the society.

     The Redvan feast in the Baha’ism, is the time when the claimant prophet of the Baha’is invited openly. (Bahaullah, the promised one of the heavenly books, p. 167). During these days, the Baha’is celebrated from 1st to 12th of Ordibehesht. However, it is surprising that the Baha’is have been prevented doing each kind of job on the 1st, 9th and 12the of Ordibehesht. (Question and Answer epistle, p. 1) Nevertheless, cancelling may be vague for some people. So, suppose a city in which Baha’is live. During these days, hospitals are cancelled and nobody is allowed to get sick! Firefighters are cancelled. No house is allowed to be burned! The centers for producing and distributing foods are off. So, nobody is allowed to become hungry!

     Police is off. So, no thief is allowed to rob!

Yes, the extensive chaos is resulted from the commandments of a cult which claims for universality!





Alauddin Jourabchi, Bahaullah, the promised one of the heavenly books, p. 167.

Hussein Ali Nouri, the epistle of Question and Answer, e-book is originated from Amri knowledge higher education institute.

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