How was Bahrain separated from Iran due to the Iranian rulers’ silence?

Sunday, 18 June 2017 08:42 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



 Nowadays, the name of Bahrain is head with suppression, attacking to Shiites and confronting with religious scholars and leaders in cyberspace. It is certain that Bahrain system of government and its area is too small to be the center of world media attention.

     It is an island in the Persian Golf. It area is 665 square kilometers. Its capital city is Manama and its official language is Arabic. Bahrain has been divided into five provinces and possessed 14 cities by June, 3, 2002.

     The country is consisted of 33 island which are mainly deserted. Its most elevated place is 122 meters above sea level. It has a dry climate having mild winters and very hot and humid summers. Oil, natural gas, fish and pearl are of the natural resources of this country. However, the decrease in oil resources has caused Bahrain to move towards oil refinement in recent years and has changed into one of the international banking centers. Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalife has been the ruler of the country since 1999. He has changed the country into the constitutional kingdom since 2002 and also changed his title from Amir to king. According to the 2009 estimation, the population of Bahrain has been 727785 people out of which 2351088 are foreigners. While Qajar and Pahlavi governments considered it as a part of Iran, Bahrain was directed by the Great Britain since 1820 and announced its independence in 1971. Iran was the first country where recognized its independence formally. Bahrain has been ruled by Al-Khalifeh government since 1783.




     In comparison, the area of Bahrain is less than the smallest province of Iran. Kohkilouyeh and Bouir Ahmad is 16249 square kilometers which is 22 times bigger than Bahrain.

     The word hometown and protecting it is unfamiliar for the Baha’i leaders. The adventure of separating Bahrain from Iran played by a Baha’i agent called Amir Abbas Hoveyda is a clear example of traitor to the country.

     According to the Baha’ism leaders’ methods of life the word hometown and protecting it is unfamiliar for the Baha’is (Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, vol. 2, p. 5-6).

     The adventure of separating Bahrain from Iran and its independence is one of the shameful pages of Pahlavi era book. The era in which Baha’ism was invading extremely and extensively headed by Amir Abbas Hoveyda. The adventure of separating Bahrain form Iran and its independence happened by the English support in 1349 and the Pahlavi and Baha’i official recognized the independence of Bahrain officially (The half under cover, p. 186).



-       Abbas Effendi, the sermons, Langenhyne the western Germany, the national publication of Amri works in Persian and Arabic languages, 127 Badi’a, vol.2, pp. 5-6 also 147.

-       Amir Abbas Hiveyda, the half undercover, Bija: Keyhan, the fifth edition, 1387, p. 186.





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