Turkish tribes

Friday, 30 June 2017 01:32 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



The Turkish people are the ethnic group of Euro-Asian[1] who reside in the northern central and western Asia in countries such as Mongolia, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Usbakestaqn, Turkmanistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Azarbayjan, Iraq, Cyprus, Turkey and Greece. Their most important bond-apart from their language history- is that they are all Muslims except for Sakha Republic and the Chuvash Republic in Siberia. The Turkish people can be divided into two groups: Eastern and Western. The western group includes the Turkish people of the southwest of Europe and the southwest of Asia residing in Turkey and the northwest of Iran. The Eastern group includes the central Asia, Kazakhstan and the autonomous region of Uyghur in Xinjiang, China.[2]

     Sattar Kahn and Baqer Khan (two commanders of the Iranian constitutionalists), Leyla Muhammadawa (the first Muslim pilot woman), Lu Landano (the physicist and a noble prize winner), Muhammad Hussein Shahriyar and Parvin E’tesami (poet), Ali Daee (footballist and coach), Karim Baqeri (footballist), Hussein Reza Zadeh (weight lifter and the Olympic winner) the polymath Majlesi (the Shiite scientist and the author of the book Al-Qadir) and etc. are of the great Turkish famous people.

     It is surprising that the Excellency Abdul Baha has said in the 3rd volume of the book Asrarul Athar, p. 42 according to Fazel Mazandarani: “When Jamal Pasha arrived at Akka and wanted to visit me, I rode on a donkey and headed off towards his house. He welcomed as soon as he saw ma and asked me to sit down next to him and said so…

     The Excellency Abdul Baha’s reply to Jamal Pasha: I thought he was a Turk; so a ridiculous answer must have been given!

     Such incorrect conceptions regarding the Turkish people aren’t unprecedented in Babism and Baha’ism.

     This is the answer of a person who claims for being the defender of the unity of the humane world and the equality off all nations!!



[1] Two continents of Europe and Asia are called Euro-Asia

[2] Wikipedia

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