Interfering in policy, yes or No?

Wednesday, 21 June 2017 08:51 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Because of the enemies misusing the issue of violating the human rights aiming imposing pressure on the Islamic Iran, it seems the claim for not interfering in policy is contradictory in the Baha’is behaviors. Recently a Baha’i proselytizer published an article in the cyberspace entitled “why aren’t the Baha’is involved in policy” and Baha’ism was introduced as an entity that doesn’t interfere in policy.

     Publishing the article, the author was going to reject each kind of interfering of Baha’is in policy (according to the proselytizing channels of Baha’ism); while 

Thinking slightly about the nature of the cult, we will figure out that involving in policy can be observable in the Baha’i structure. For instance, the Baha’i heads have clearly and frankly criticized the Islamic system of government and the democratic method of ruling in the Iranian country and called the majority on Iranians as ignorant in selecting such government. (the TV, channel “The Baha’i Faith”, The name of program: Baztab)

The Baha’i heads the kind of government to the Iranians by the Baha’i methods and patterns

The Baha’ism organization defend the opponents of the system of government of Iran by establishing campaigns concerning the so-called defending human rights and publish some reports of so-called human rights in the United Nations.

     All of the mentioned-above cases are examples of interfering in policy by the Baha’ism!

     In cyberspace and social networks which are related to Baha’ism organization, an article was published entitled “Iran is a political country, why aren’t Baha’is involved in policy?” the Baha’i author of the article rejects each kind of interfering in policy by writing such title. Thus, we read in the continue of the article that: There are several reasons for not interfering in policy by Baha’is:

Today policy means telling lies and hypocrisy. Policy means justifying means to achieve a goal and this political verdict is quite rejected in the Baha’i faith. A policy which is going to justify its hideous behaviors. It isn’t parallel with the ethical method of the Baha’i faith.

Let’s asked those who interfere with policy to answer: what do you do and gain? 

     Note (1): It is interesting to be noted that an organization which claim for not interfering the policy is criticizing the political structure of our country; for instance, in the first election of Iran in which people were asked to vote Yes, or no to the Islamic republic of Iran how many people could define the Islamic Republic correctly? Did they know that the Constitution of Islamic republic was going to be written based on the Shiite jurisprudence? 

     Note (2): We noticed that the Baha’i experts not only criticized the political structure of our country against the teaching of not interfering with policy in Baha’ism; but also addressed the majority of the Iranian people as ignorant. Of course, the Baha’i expert of the mentioned-above program also introduced the Iranian people as sinful.

     Note (3): How does Baha’ism introduce itself to be out of and far from policy it comments on the governmental structure of our country? The Baha’i authors impose their desired government by issuing an article entitled “The plan and method of Baha’is for Iran” : “The Baha’i faith (cult) suggests democratic government.”

     Note (4): While the Baha’i organization introduces itself to be out of policy, it has been the enemy of our country since the foundation of the Iranian Islamic revolution. It has defended the opponents of the system of the government of Islamic republic of Iran by so-called campaigns of defending the Baha’i rights

     Yes, the Baha’ism organization has used each means to strike the Islamic system of government contrary to its claims for not interfering with policy it is better for Baha’is to be asked:

     “Why don’t Baha’is quit their destructive roles in policy?

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