Hussein Ali Nouri, the false prophet of Baha’is death

Monday, 03 July 2017 08:24 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size




Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri Mazandarani known as Mirza Bozorg Nouri was born in a wealthy family in Tehran city on Wednesday, Moharram 2nd, 1233 A.H. –Aban, 21, 1196S.H. and November 12, 1817. According to the Baha’i historians, Mirza Abbas Nouri was a secretary in King Muhammad Qajar’s court. Even, he was considered as the court minister. It is usual is such family that Hussein Ali should start learning and educating according to traditions of that time.

     In 1223 S.H. Ali Muhammad Shirazi claimed for Babism. At the age of 27, Hussein Ali Nouri believed in him and became one of his followers. He organized and commanded Badasht events as a Babi person. After Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s execution on lunar month of Sha’ban 28, 1266 A.H. –Tir 18, 1229 S.H. and June 10, 1850- Hussein Ali Nouri was imprisoned involving in King Naseruddin Qajar’s assassination for 4 month. (In the prison, Hussein Ali Nouri claimed that he has been revealed.)

     After the support and interference of the Russian ambassador, Hussein Ali got free from prison and was exiled to Baqdad- belonged to the Ottoman territory- along with his family. In Baqdad city, he was busy serving his brother, Yahya. Since Ali Muhammad Shirazi had introduced Yahya as his successor. However, Hussein Ali Nouri went to Soleymaniyeh mountain for 2 years having differences with his brother. During these two years, nobody was aware of his place. Then, he was ordered by his brother to return and Hussein Ali came back to Baqdad and served his brother. Next, the Ottoman government decided to exit them from Baqdad, thus, they were resided in Najib pasha’s garden which was located out of Baqdad city –then known as “Baq Redvan”- on Ordibehesh 1, 1285 S.H.

     Explanation: Afetr Bab’s execution in 1850, and 20 years after Bab’s death, more than 25 people claimed for being the one whom God will manifest. (Qarn Badi’a, Shoqi Effendi, Baha’I knowledge institute, Canada, p. 261, 1992). Ali Muhammad Bab’s promise for emerging the one whom God will manifest was 2001 years after his death.

     In Redvan garden, Hussein Ali expressed he had been the promised one of the book “Bayan” and the promised one of all previous prophets among his family members and his 26 followers. This claim was opposed by his brother, Yahya Nouri. Following arguments and quarrel between these two brothers, the Ottoman government colonized them in Istanbul for five years and then in Adreneh for five years, too. Eventually, Hussein Ali Nouri and his followers were exiled to a prison in Akka city which was located at the farthest territory of the Ottoman government in Palestine land. His brother Yahya and his followers were exiled to Cyprus.

     Yahya Sobhi Azal was inactive in Cyprus; so no followers remained after his death. Nevertheless, Hussein Ali Nouri started writing tablets and books in Akka city. He wrote nearly one hundred books and tablets. Some of them are as follows: Aqdas, Iqan, Badi’a, Qalam Ala’s works, Jawaherul Asrar, the four valleys, the seven valleys, the divine verses.

     The prayers of popular Excellency, Maknouneh words, Ahmed tablet, Ibnuzzeab’s tablet, Ishraqat, Iqtedarat, Tarazat and etc.

     In addition to the claims of the one whom God will manifest, prophethood, he also claimed for being Christ and divinity. At least, he was suffered from Shigellosis disease on the lunar month of Shawwal 11, 1309 A.h. –Ordibehesht 18, 1271 S.H. and May 8, 1892. He died on Sunday Zulqa’deh 2, 1309 A.H. –Khordad , 8, 1271 S.H. and May 29, 1892. He was 76 when he died in Akka, Palestine in Bahji palace and buried there.

     Several days after his death, his offspring Abbas Abdul Baha gathered all of Hussein Ali’s offspring and read Hussein Ali’s will for the relatives and followers. Mirza Hussein Ali commanded that his son Abbas entitled the greatest Qesn (Qesn Aa’zam) as his first successor and after him, his other son called Muhammad Ali entitled Qesn Akbar as the next successor.


     However, Abdul Baha, the first Imam of the deviant cult of Baha’ism didn’t have any male offspring; so his daughter’s son called Shoqi became his successor. Shoqi didn’t also have any offspring to be his successor. So, the universal house of justice –Baitul Adl- is doing Baha’is affairs.

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