The Russian what did consul follow in the inspecting session of Hussein Ali Nouri?!

Monday, 03 July 2017 08:25 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


According to the historical documents and Shoqi Rabbani’s –the third Imam of the deviant cult of Baha’ism- confession, Prince Dalgourki, the Russian ambassador had tried hard to make Hussein Ali Nouri free from the prison.

     Abdul Hussein Avareh, one the Baha’i proselytizers writes in the book “Al-Kawakeb Al –Dorriah, vol.1, p. 336, line 18 and p. 337 line 2: “When the Excellency Hussein Ali was inquired in the presence of the king, the king stated: it is obvious for each wise person that such boldness is being done by an ignorant person not a wise one… At that time, the Russian consul confirmed his statements. King Naseruddin himself got surprised by the Excellency’s dignity.”

     Several notes have been emphasized in the report:

1)   The inquiry has been done in the presence of king Naseruddin! Is there any special feature possessed by him to be inquired in the presence of the king?! Or the Excellency ambassador had emphasized for this meeting to be held?!

2)   Shoqi had said in the fifth document that the last agent who caused Hussein Ali to get free from the prison was that the representatives of the Russian government confirmed that Hussein Ali was sinless.

3)   Regarding king Naseruddin to be surprised it should be asked that why he was surprised? He had surprised because Hussein Ali Nouri had enormously served the enemy since the enemy was defending him extremely.

4)        There were deep relations between Hussein Ali and the ambassador that the ambassador was threatening the government for the sake of him. Why should they defend him now when Hussein Ali’s dependence on the Russian had been revealed? Why don’t the embassy agents leave Hussein Ali alone? Why don’t they like to sacrifice Ali even for the sake of the king and the relationships between two countries?

     The Russian consul was present in the meeting for two reasons:

      1) The secrets remain concealed

      2) Hussein Ali gets free from the punishment.



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