Road Closed

Wednesday, 12 July 2017 10:06 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


     Road closed!

     Road closed, a person is needed…

     Road closed, a person is needed…

     This is an announcement which I hear every day…

     The voice of drivers who are waiting for passengers to go to road close.

     I ask: Why road closed?!!! What’s this name??? they answer: Road closed is the meeting point of the road and railroad… I thought… It is a strange name; every day we encounter the intellectual road close; where we can’t proceed or come back… The wrong decisions and false date will lead human being to the intellectual road close. However, it will be disastrous when you mislead not only your thought; but also the those of a group of people and make them afflicted by a public road close by a false idealogy… The situation of the Baha’i community and its believers resemble the above-mentioned one. A story which began nearly a century ago and  now it is trapped in a fundamental road close called determining and electing the faith guardianship:

     According to the second Baha’i leader’s order (Abbas Abdul Baha), nine people must be elected by the Baha’is to control the Baha’i community to be gathered in a place called the Universal House of Justice. The chairman of the group is called “the guardian of the Baha’i faith” who must be male from Abdul Baha’s generation. By his presence, the group is being recognized officially.

     Otherwise, the bases of the faith will be trembled… The problem is that the grandson of Abdul Baha, Shoqi Effendi, the first guardianship of Baha’is had been abortive. After his death, there wasn’t any male person from Abdul Baha’s generation to lead the UHJ. The Baha’i community was afflicted by that basic road close. A road close whose result was invalidity of the current Baha’i system and the collapse of all beliefs.

     Yes, Baha’ism will end in a road close of the UHJ validity and electing the guardia of the faith. All inviters to Baha’ism are the drivers of the road close intellectual station who are calling: road close… road close…

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