When the criterion of being faithful is accompaniment with Bahaullah and the criterion of unbelief is the lack of his accompaniment!!!

Monday, 03 July 2017 18:06 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


      In one of the articles published by a cyberspace networks related to the Baha’ism organization, the3 Baha’i expert answered the following question: Why do you believe that a person who doesn’t believe in Hussein Ali Baha is misled? He answered: A person who is far from the guidance path is misled. Mentioning several verses regarding the holy war against the atheists in Islam religion, the Baha’i expert tried to inspire the addresses that the Baha’is have done kindness with non-Baha’is by considering non-Baha’is as misled ones. In one hand, by confessing other religions as true ones they claim that prosperity path of human being isn’t restricted to obey a special religion (Abbas Effendi, the blessed sermons, p.99) and; in other side, they called their opponents as atheists, the misled, animals, and the illegitimate. (Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, p. 335)

     In contrast, Islam divides human being into the benevolent and evil groups based on their deeds. (The holy Quran, Al-Imran/85)


وَ مَنْ یَبْتَغ غَیْرِ الاسلامِ دیناً فَلَنْ یُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَ هُوَ فِی الاخِرَهِ مِنَ الخاسِرینَ (آل عمران/85)

     And whose seeketh as religion other than the Surrender (to Allah), it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.


 And advises Muslims to live peacefully with other religions. 9the holy Quran, Momtahanah/8)

لا یَنْهاکُمُ اللهُ عَنِ الَّذینَ لَمْ یُقاتِلوکُمْ فِی الدِّینِ وَ لَمْ یُخْرِجُوکُمْ مِّنْ دِیارِکُمْ اَنْ تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَ تُقْسِطُوا اِلَیْهِمْ اِنَّ اللهَ یُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطینَ

     Allah forbidden you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you out from homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loveth the just dealers.



     However, the truth is that the Baha’i faith has been afflicted by hypocrisy and the meaningful contradictions confronting its opponents.

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