The Proselytizers and leaders of Baha’ism must answer “A bitter fact inside the Baha’ism”

Saturday, 15 July 2017 10:23 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


One of the commandments of Hussein Ali Baha was polygamy. He had four wives and believed that it is allowable for men to have four wives. Nevertheless, Abdul Baha who had 4 wives too like his father has ordered the Baha’is to have just one wife and has abolished his father’s commandment. He announced the commandment as illegitimate but not for himself. After Abdul Baha his granddaughter Shoqi changed each commandment according to his desires. Now, the members of the UHJ who are 9 people issue commandments for the Baha’is.

     The difference between a Baha’i and a Muslim is that a Muslim considers everybody as fallible except God, prophet and holy Imams; but the Baha’is consider the 9-people UHJ as infallible and also their commandments as God’s ones; while they themselves are depraved and corrupt and everyday, they issue new teachings. Have you ever thought about this issue: why does the organization try to entertain the Baha’i youth? Why are they afraid of the relationship between the Baha’i youth and the Muslim ones? Because they want everybody not to be aware of the reality.

     According to the new massage of the Universal House of Justice, learning music has been emphasized. Pay attention to the divine commandments. The Baha’is have been called for dancing and singing instead of the commandments for human educating. Because music can take the youth away from realities.

     The universal House of Justice and the assemblies assign heavy burdons of responsibilities to the Baha’is to make them busy in order not to be free to think.


     All the Baha’i commandments are contradictory. Mahnaz Raoufi, the author of this article suggests the Baha’is to study the real history of the cult to know its origin and not to obey the cult blindly. She suggests the Baha’is to study Sobhi’s book entitled “Sobhi’s memoirs” and the book “Kashful Hiyal” by Awareh to realize and observe the contradictions in the Baha’i forged and deviant cult.

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