The unity of the humane world and silence!!! What do they mean?!!

Saturday, 15 July 2017 13:31 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Baha’is believe in the principle of the unity of the humane world; but they are silent against the crimes done by the Zionistic regime in the occupied lands, ISIL crimes in Syria and Iraq, the Saudi Arabia crimes in Yemen. Is silence the answer for all these crimes?!!!

     The Baha’ism answer is that: Entering into such domain isn’t agreeable with the worldwide aims of Baha’ism. This cult defends the homosexual rights in Iran but it is silent when it must defend the oppressed people of Palestine!

     How do Baha’is recite the principle of the unity of the humane world. Can the principles of a faith be changed based on policy. One of the most important and the darkest points in the Baha’ism file is the intimate relationship between this organization and the occupying regime of Israel. Baha’is have tried to serve Israel since the foundation of this forged regime. Thus, the third leader of the Baha’ism, Shoqi Effendi has expressed his positive view and the Baha’is towards the establishment of Israel.

     However, the Baha’is ignorance and silence toward the crimes of the usurp Zionistic regime against the Palestine people reveal the real and tricky face of the Baha’ism organization.[1]



[1] For more studies refer to Serat website, article: 125 crimes of the Zionistic regime, news code: 197453, publication date: 27/6/1393.

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