Baha’ism and the kingdom of the Pahlavis

Sunday, 16 July 2017 11:28 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 The Baha’is support by Pahlavis is clear for everybody; but this period of time for Baha’is was an opportunity to gain what they couldn’t before. One of the ominous intentions of the deviant cult of Baha’ism was a bill passed at Asadullah Alam’s period of time directed by the universal house of justice. The bill would cause Baha’ism to penetrate and dominate on Iran, according to Imam and the scholars. According to one of the contents of the bill, people could swear by every heavenly book and it caused the holy Quran and Islam to be weakened. The plan was destroyed by Imam and the scholars awareness.

     In 1341 S.H. when Asadullah Alam was the prime minister of Iran, a bill called “Eyalati & Velayati assemblies” was proposed in the cabinet.

     According to the bill which was considered as law in the absence of the parliament allowed women to vote. Swearing by the holy Quran was omitted and people could swear by every heavenly book.[1]

     Not only the Excellency Imam (R.A.); but also the clergymen evaluated the bill for the domination of Baha’ism on the fate of Iranians. Mr. Falsafi who was the scholars’ spokesman said to the government representative: The main of the bill isn’t to let women participate in the elections. Women’s participation isn’t so important for clergymen to rise against it. The bill is a plan against the holy prophet (P.H.) to destroy the power of the holy Quran. It is a means for Baha’is to dominate on Muslims.[2]

     The clergymen’s analysis was based on a historical background and an exact prediction. As soon as Baha’is dominated the key posts supported by the government, they started humiliating Muslims. For instance, one of the Baha’is who had become the manager of Ferdowsi store humiliated a Muslim woman who was fast and unveiled her. He ordered her to unveil; otherwise she would be dismissed.[3]

     The Baha’is were trying to preach modes and unveiling ordered by the Americans and British. They advanced and predicted: “These Muslims will be destroyed by the Baha’is at last and the Excellency Bahaullah’s world will be flourished.[4]

     The heads of the cult tried hard to weaken Iran. Passing “Eyalati & Velayati bill caused the cult to dominate Iran and to weaken Islam. The plan was destroyed by Imam and scholars awareness.



[1] Imam Khomeyni’s movement, Qom, Orouj publication, Vol. 1, p. 6.

[2] Fars news agency, the relationship between Baha’ism and Zionism, news code: 5639291, date of publishing 1395/3/17.

[3] The records of the Islamic Revolution Documents, document: 20.25176 dated: 1345/10/21, document No.12, p. 192.

[4] Ibid, document 7596, dated: 1350/2/8, document No.13, p. 193.

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