Revealing Baha’ism treachery in SAWAK documents

Sunday, 23 July 2017 13:07 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Before the Islamic Revolution, the Excellency Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) had had clear attitude toward the Zionistic movement of Baha’ism. However, after the Iranian Islamic Revolution and revealing the4 treacheries of the Baha’ism organization towards Islam and Iran in the SAWAK documents, it became obvious that Imam Khomeyni’s (P.H.) reactions have been quite correct.

     After the victory of the Islamic Revolution and revealing SAWAK reports, it became clear that Imam Khomeyni’s attitude towards Baha’ism have been quite correct and on time. (Imam’s Sahifeh [book], Vol. 1, pp. 186-187) because Baha’ism was trying to strike and attack Islam and Muslims by misusing the circumstances in the Pahlavi era.

     The following report from SAWAK is about 12-Baha’is meeting in Shiraz city.

     “Baha’is are victorious in the Islamic countries and can gain kind of privilege. All the bank investments, money imports in the Iranian community are related to Baha’is and the Jewish. All skyscrapers in Tehran, Shiraz and Isfahan belong to the Baha’is… The Hoveyda himself is Baha’is… he is one of the best servants of the faith. He has help 15 thousands Tumans to the assembly. O’ Baha’is, don’t let Muslims to thrive.” (Baha’ism in Iran, p. 251)


-       Imam Khomeyni, Imam’s book, Tehran the cultural document centers for Islamic Revolution, Bita.


-       Zahed Zahedani, Baha’ism in Iran, Bija: The center for documents of the Islamic Revolution, B 1381; narrated by SAWAK report, dated 1350/5/19.

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