The Excellency Abdul Baha has been forgetful

Saturday, 05 August 2017 10:59 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Dear users, do you remember the twelve principles of Baha’ism which have been brought about as the basis of the Baha’ism thought by Hussein Ali Nouri.

We don’t plan to investigate these principles whether they have been in the divine religions and the Baha’ism movement has copied them having many contradictions. Pay attention to the above picture and the sentence said by the Excellency Abdul Baha. Basically, this sentence has reversed at least one of the principles. It seems the Excellency Abdul Baha has had the forgetfulness problem when he said the sentence. Set this sentence next to the principle of the unity of the humane world. What do you understand?

     Question: Do the Baha’is believe in hometown acting the principle of the unity of the humane world?


     What would the Excellency Abdul Baha react when he observed the Baha’is treachery towards hometown?

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