What is the Iranian people’s view about the deviant cult of Baha’ism and its followers

Saturday, 05 August 2017 11:00 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Before and after the Islamic revolution, the Iranian people look upon Baha’ism as the agent of aliens and a means for threatening the Iranian national interests. Undoubtedly, the treacheries of Baha’is such as Hojabr Yazdani, Abdul Karim Ayadi, Saneei, Sabet Pasal and etc. have been influential in people attitudes towards Baha’ism. Even, the Pahlavi regime didn’t dare to recognize Baha’ism formally because of people’s aversion towards these spies.

     Before the Islamic revolution, Baha’is was being considered as a cult which could threat the Iranian national benefits supported by the Pahlavi regime. The Pahlavi regime didn’t dare to recognize Baha’ism formally due to people’s aversion. Undoubtedly, some people’s behaviors such as Abdul Karim Ayadi, Hojabr Yazdani, Habib Sabet Pasal who was one of the Baha’i robbers and Farrokhrou Parsa who tried hard to plunder the religious culture of people when she was the education minister. (The emergence and falling of the Pahlavi kingdom, vol. 1, p. 375)

     Nevertheless, after the victory of the Islamic revolution, the government tried to block these robbers and prevented their plunders. (The spider’s nets, p. 66)




-       Refer to the book “The emergence and falling the Pahlavi kingdom, Bija: Ettela’at, 1370.

-       Jawad Nawaeeyan, The spider webs, Mashhad: The cultural institute of Khorasan, 1394.



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