The Baha’i kingdom or not intervening in the policy!

Monday, 07 August 2017 12:17 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Shoqi Effendi, the third leader of the Baha’ism predicts the third phase of the Baha’ism advancement by recognizing and founding the Baha’I kingdom officially. The wish is being posed while the Baha’ism introduces itself as the firm opponent of the religious government and; on the other side, establishing the Baha’i government isn’t compatible with the teaching of “not intervening in policy.”

     In one of his works, Shoqi Effendi predicts the third phase of the Baha’ism development by recognizing Baha’ism officially in the world and founding the Baha’i (divine) government and kingdom. (The Blessed orders addressing the east friends, pp. 501-503). Thus, two important notes are worthy to be noticed:

1)   Since the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Baha’ism cult has announced its opposition against it openly or secretly. (The Baha’i faith network) Because the Baha’ism is basically introducing itself as the serious opponent of the religious government and on the other side, it is ambitious to found a Baha’i kingdom (the faith news magazine, No. 3, p. 14)

2)  Although the third leader of Baha’ism didn’t achieved his ambition of founding a Baha’i kingdom; but is this ambition compatible with the principle of “not intervening in policy”?! (Aqdas, p. 27)





-       Refer to Shoqi Effendi, the Blessed order addressing the east friends/ companions, Longhaven, Germany, the national assembly of printing the faith works in Persian and Arabic languages, 1992.


-       For instance: the Baha’i faith network, The name of program: The minority’ rights, The experts: Bijan Ma’soumiyan, Marjan Greenbelt 

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