The Excellency Bahaullah’s ignorance

Tuesday, 08 August 2017 11:30 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The head of the Baha’is considers the divine science position for himself. He expresses in this regard that I can be aware of the sages and scientists’ views extraordinarily whenever I desire. While he claims the above-mentioned statement, Hussein Ali Nouri has explicitly confessed his ignorance towards Karim Khan Kermani’s book contents and he even needed to study them twice to figure out!

     To know all the facts of creatures and things has been claimed by Hussein Ali Nouri. He says: “We never read the books of this tribe; but we become aware of their sciences and can be aware of sages and scientists’ views. All the things in the world which have written in different books and tablets is being appeared before your lord and we see them and write.“ (Asrarul Athar, vol. 1, p. 191) However, he says about Muhammad Karim Khan Kermani’s biography: “I had heard about his fame and decided to study his epistles a bit; although I don’t like to study others’ writings; but because some people had asked about his life and biography, it was necessary for me to study his books to answer them… So, I asked for the book. I studied it several days. I think studied it twice…” (the Iqan, pp. 121-122.)

     Now what does it mean: Being ignorant toward the book and reading it  twice?!!




-       Asadullah Mazandarani, Asrarul Athar, Bija, the national institute of the faith press, Badi’a 124.


-       Hussein Ali Nouri, Iqan, Germany, the national institute of the Baha’i press, Germany, 1988.

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