Just Baha’is are merited to be supported

Monday, 07 August 2017 12:19 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


     One of the twelve principles of Baha’is is the unity of the humane world and it stresses on the equality of human beings. The principle has been stressed and honored by the leaders and followers of the cult. The deviant cult of Baha’ism introduces itself as the mere proclaimer of the equality of human beings. While, the Universal House of Justice just support the Iranian Baha’is not the oppressed Muslims and other followers of the religions across the world!

     Baha’ism is consequently introducing itself as the proclaimer of the unity of the humane world and the equality among humans (Makatib, vol.3, p. 160). Thus, we hear in the Baha’ism advertisement that we are all brothers and race and faith aren’t considered as factors of priorities. However, the question is that why don’t the heads of the Baha’ism support the oppressed people of Palestine, Syria, Myanmar, Iraq, Nigeria, Bahrain and etc.?! Why do the UHJ just criticize the Iranian government?! Why do their slogan of the unity glorify just for the Iranian Baha’is?!

     Of course, the question have been answered back by the Baha’i leaders when they called non-Baha’is as animals (Badi’a, p. 213) and when the made prophet of the cult said: “My fans are gems and the rest are the earth pebbles. (The heavenly food, vol. 4, p. 353)



-       Refer to Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: attempted by Farajullah Zakiul Kordi, 1921.

-       Refer to the Hussein Ali Nouri, Badi’a, Tehran, Azadegan printing house, Bita.


-       Abdul Hussein Ishraq Khawari, The heavenly food, Bija, the national institute of the faith press, 129 Badi’a.

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